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when you least expect it, the sun rises


You Don’t Have To Sacrifice!

UPDATE: The Lifebook Online no longer offers a rebate! However, the enrollment price has been significantly decreased, and you are covered by an unconditional 15-day money-back guarantee - You can refund yourself HERE>>

You Don’t Have To Sacrifice And Struggle By Jon And Missy Butcher
Most people do not expect their path to great abundance to be one of ease and of joy. They have been taught that struggle and hardship and sacrifice are requirements that must be met before the reward of great abundance can be realized. Most do not understand that the very struggle they deliberately involve themselves in, in their quest for success and advantage, actually works against them. ~ Abraham Hicks

With the state the world has been in for some time now...

It can feel like life has been an endless series of trade-offs we can’t win.

If you’re feeling pressured to sacrifice one area of your life just to keep another afloat, you’re not alone.

But the real reason we end up making these sacrifices has less to do with what’s going on around us...

… And more to do with the fact that most of us are clueless as to what we really want, or how to get it.

Because often, what we think we want is simply a projection forced on us by others.

What we should do instead is to

  1. examine our entire lives, and

  2. define our personal vision of success by creating a Life Vision.

And there’s nothing more important you can do for yourself than redefining what is truly important in your life.


2020 was one of the most unpredictable, chaotic, and challenging years in recent memory.

And the start of 2021 might not have been very different.

For many of you, these last few months may have felt like you no longer had much, if any, control of your life.

But there’s something about a crisis that makes us re-evaluate our priorities in life.

Things like our health. Our most important relationships. Our spiritual beliefs. Our emotional resiliency. And more.

And likely, you’ve started to rethink what you truly want out of life.

But with so much chaos happening around you, it’s extremely tough to get any clarity you need to move forwards.

Which is why you need a system.

A system that allows you to really dig deep into

  1. who you want to be,

  2. what you really want,

  3. why you want it, and

  4. how to get it all in life – no matter how crazy the world gets.

And there is such a system.

It’s called Lifebook.

It was created by a man named Jon Butcher.

And he has used this system to achieve what some might say is impossible:

He’s created extraordinary success in every area of his life. On his own terms. And without sacrifice or compromise.

In the video below, he and his wife Missy explain

  1. how this system works and

  2. how you can start applying it in your life today.

And by the end of this class, you’ll also create one of the most important documents of your life. It may only end up being just two pages long. But it has the power to keep you connected to what you really want in life. So you have the clarity, momentum, and personal power you need to pursue everything you desire in spite of these uncertain times.
Designing Your Ultimate Life Through The LIVE Lifebook Program By Jon And Missy Butcher

Creating a Life Vision is the life-changing process that lifestyle design experts Jon and Missy use to create extraordinary outcomes in all 12 dimensions of life, all at once:

Creating a Life Vision is the life-changing process that lifestyle design experts Jon and Missy use to create extraordinary outcomes in all 12 dimensions of life, all at once.

For instance:

  • They are financially free with a portfolio of socially responsible companies.

  • They are grandparents in their 50s, yet are also in the best shape of their lives.

  • They enjoy a thrilling romance even after decades of marriage.

  • And they even built a dream lifestyle which includes a home so breathtaking, it was featured on Oprah.

But how they created this Life Vision is just as fascinating as the words on this document. Jon and Missy developed a systematic process known as Lifebook. Which has become a global phenomenon loved by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.
In the video below, they share precisely how to create your personal Life Vision.

Re-Designing Your Ultimate Life by Jon and Missy Butcher



This is an annual LAUNCH of the Live Lifebook Online>> program - This means you'll receive 7 LIVE COACHING CALLS WITH JON AND MISSY BUTCHER THEMSELVES (You can ask them whatever you want!)! If you enroll at any different time, you'll get pre-recorded calls! The program starts June 7th, 2021.

You can do it for FREE! Put down your Accountability Deposit of $500 HERE>> and complete your Lifebook. The last date for applying for a 100% refund is July 23, 2021! You can also ask for a refund within first 15 days! Ask for a refund HERE>>

The Accountability Deposit is offered ONLY during this launch! If you enroll at any different time, you'll be able to ask for a refund ONLY within the first 15 days of the program - not at the end of the program anymore!

The coaching calls happen on the following dates (all calls start at 4 pm EST):

  1. June 8th: The Journey Begins

  2. June 15th: Health & Fitness & Intellectual Life

  3. June 22nd: Emotional Life & Character

  4. June 29th: Spiritual Life & Love Relationship

  5. July 6th: Parenting & Social

  6. July 13th: Financial Life & Career

  7. July 20th: Quality of Life & Life Vision & Graduation Call

And in case you miss any or want to revisit them, Jon and Missy will upload replays of each one.

Lifebook Online is arguably the world’s most powerful lifestyle design system. You simply follow its founders, Jon and Missy Butcher, as they guide you through the 12 dimensions of your life. And design a personal premise, vision, purpose, and strategy for extraordinary success in each area.

When you build out your personal Lifebook, you finally come to realize what you really want, and how to get it - without sacrifice or compromise.

And as a special gift to you, the access to this premium digital course is FREE. All Jon and Missy ask is for you to play full out with them and take bold action towards creating your ideal vision of your life.

Needless to say, this offer won’t be on the table for long!

Lifebook is a scripting process where you script your life vision based on your desires by questioning current society rules and beliefs.

You get clear on whether you want to continue to live based on beliefs that someone else implanted in you (that might not be beneficial to you) or you want to create your own empowering beliefs. It helps you put your focus on what you want, which means that the Law Of Attraction starts manifesting what you want into your life.

Your life and everyone else in the Universe is playing the part that you have assigned to them. You can literally script any life that you desire, and the Universe will deliver to you the people, places, and events just as you decide them to be. For you are the creator of your own experience-you have only to decide it and allow it to be. ~ Abraham Hicks

LIVE Lifebook Online by Jon & Missy Butcher - Design & Achieve Your Vision Of Success In 12 Dimensions Of Your Life


You can do Lifebook absolutely FREE!

For the next few days, Jon and Missy Butcher have opened the enrollment to Lifebook Online>>, their premium lifestyle design system.

But here’s the thing…

Rather than charging you a typical enrollment fee, Jon and Missy are only asking you to put down an Accountability Deposit of $500.

All this means is that if you finish the entire program, and create your own Lifebook, you can request for the deposit back.

In short, this entire 6-week program is free. The last date for applying for a 100% refund is July 23, 2021!

Lifebook Online>> recreates the high-end lifestyle envisioning process you’d experience if you were to attend a live Lifebook event.

At a live Lifebook event (costing $7,500 a ticket), Jon and Missy, or a certified facilitator would personally guide you through the 12 key areas of your life, helping you create a unified vision for each one.

Lifebook Online simulates this experience through a series of beautifully produced training videos that are a joy to watch.

You’ll then spend 3 - 6 hours a week for 6 weeks, designing your personal Lifebook under the guidance of Jon and Missy.

To ask for a refund, click HERE>>


Gain Direct Access To Jon And Missy Butcher Themselves

Lifebook Online is a remarkable lifestyle design system created by Jon and Missy Butcher.

As already stated, this is the annual launch of the program meaning that if you sign up from May 17th, 2021 to June 2nd, 2021, you’ll receive 7 LIVE Q&A sessions with Jon and Missy themselves. They'll answer your questions and give you personal guidance.

The coaching calls happen on the following dates (all calls start at 4 pm EST):

  1. June 8th: The Journey Begins

  2. June 15th: Health & Fitness & Intellectual Life

  3. June 22nd: Emotional Life & Character

  4. June 29th: Spiritual Life & Love Relationship

  5. July 6th: Parenting & Social

  6. July 13th: Financial Life & Career

  7. July 20th: Quality of Life & Life Vision & Graduation Call

And in case you miss any or want to revisit them, Jon and Missy will upload replays of each one.

7 LIVE Q&A Sessions With Jon And Missy Butcher – Free Live Lifebook Online Program

Through Lifebook>>, you take a deep dive into the 12 dimensions of your life so you can map out a fully personalized vision of holistic success for all of them.

Like having a strong and vibrant immune system. Fulfilling, deep relationships. An inspiring career. Financial freedom. Basically, any goal you can think of.

Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide use Lifebook every day. And when you do too, you will:

  • Be in perfect alignment with what you want and need in the 12 dimensions of your life (and not what society or self help gurus make you think you want).

  • Discover how to legitimately have it all - wealth, success, health, love, and more - regardless of what’s happening in the world around you.

  • And effortlessly adopt the habits, beliefs, life hacks, and models of reality you need in order to rapidly turn your dreams into reality.

Lifebook Online>> is a truly life-changing experience that will completely transform how you set goals and design your life.

In fact many regard it as the most powerful lifestyle design system on the planet.

And there’s no better time to experience it, now that you can create your very own Lifebook for free.

Once you’ve completed it, your Lifebook will serve as your compass towards your biggest goals and dreams. You’ll be constantly keyed into what you really want, and the person you need to be in order to have it all. That’s what makes it such a powerful process.


Emerge from lockdown with a new game plan for your life

Between the quarantines and economic instability, our future can feel more unpredictable than it has ever been.

Which is why now -- more than ever -- having a north star to not only guide you through these turbulent times…

But to also accelerate towards an extraordinary vision for your life once the dust settles is crucial.

And while it may seem like everyone else around you is just struggling to keep things together, you now have a rare opportunity to reflect on what’s truly important to you and create a new game plan for your ultimate life.

A life where every dimension of your life is thriving in equal measure.

No more sacrifices. No more compromises.

That what you'll achieve through LIVE Lifebook Online>> lifestyle design program.




A taste of Lifebook...

EXPERIENCE THE CATEGORY 13: The Power of Sex, Romance, and Passion


Keep smiling and here's wishing you have a wonderful day filled with smiles and hugs and kisses and all things nice! ♥

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