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when you least expect it, the sun rises


Win Prizes Like Amazon Kindle, Apple Air Pods, Apple Watches, Muse Meditation Headsets

Updated: Feb 24, 2022


You are kindly invited to participate in a FREE 7-day Design Your Best Life Challenge that starts February 28th, 2022 at 2:00pm PST.

You can win prizes like Amazon Kindle, Apple Air Pods, Apple Watch, Mouse Meditation Headsets 2, Apple iPad and Amex Gift Cards by just participating in this free challenge! Prizes will be announced on March 7th.

Here’s what the challenge is all about…

During the challenge, Natalie Ledwell will host 5 LIVE coaching sessions via Zoom, where together with an inspiring global community of participants, you’ll be designing your very best life!

There are 5 sessions in total, each one focused on a different aspect of getting unstuck, gaining clarity, and taking unstoppable action towards your best life:

*All sessions start at 2:00pm PST!

1️⃣ Setting your Intention from a Place of Flow (February 28th)

Your adventure begins with an exploration of your emotions and how you can harness your high frequency emotions as rocket fuel. From this place you’ll create a Powerful Intention and discover and experience the sheer power of your words and the importance of dreaming BIG.

2️⃣ Visualizing with Radical Clarity (March 2nd)

If you’ve ever felt lost or stuck (and who hasn’t?) this session will give you crystal clear clarity on what you REALLY want by using the Mind Movies tool to beautifully describe this. You’ll then start to use advanced visualization techniques to create this as your new reality with far more speed and far less struggle.

3️⃣ Inspiration in Action to Sweet Surrender (March 4th)

If you don’t even know where to being, this session will help you devise a plan and tap into Source to gain the confidence, wisdom and momentum you need to take the right kind of action. Then we’ll take the step together and let it all go!

4️⃣ Goodbye Limiting Beliefs (March 5th)

Everyone has limiting beliefs: those little voices in your head telling you you’re not good, worthy, or smart enough to earn or get what you want. In this session, you’ll discover how to find and break free from yours - all in just 4 simple steps.

5️⃣ Your New Life and Hot, Hot, Hot Seats (March 7th)

In your final session, you’ll discover how to combine everything you’ve learned into one unstoppable action plan. Plus, join Natalie for exclusive hot seats where you’ll walk away with a personalized prescription for any specific challenge you might be facing, plus enjoy a wrap-up Q&A that sets you up for extraordinary success in the coming months, years, and decades.


You’ll also get access to mind-blowing personal growth tools and technologies like famous Mind Movies Creation Kit (the most powerful visualization tool on the planet!). These tools instantly light up your creation power - and help you clarify, focus on, and manifest what you really want this year and beyond…

And at the end you’ll have your own personal Best Life Action Plan that's so precise and empowering, it manifests your biggest goals and dreams for you as if by magic.

Join The Online Design Your Best Life Challenge with Natalie Ledwell and Win Prizes

Watch the video to learn how to win the prizes!


To Your 2022 - The Year Of Your Biggest Breakthroughs, Unlimited Abundance & Living Your BEST Life!


Keep smiling and here's wishing you have a wonderful day filled with smiles and hugs and kisses and all things nice! ♥

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