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when you least expect it, the sun rises


The Powerful Science Behind The Fastest Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming Training

The Map Is Not The Territory - Alfred Korzybski, Polish-American scientist and philosopher - Neuro-Linguistic Programming Training and Limitless Labs
Limitless Labs>> is a science-led audio clinic for neuro-linguistic programming training.

In the lab, over 35 digital pills have been produced for enhancing the human experience – including sessions for weight loss, energy, confidence, and genius.

These digital pills were developed by Julie-Ann Amos.

She is a qualified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner and hypnotherapist, and is widely considered one of the foremost authorities on advanced neuro-linguistic programming training protocols and conversational hypnosis.


About the Role of the Digital Pills in Neuro-Linguistic Programming Training

Each of the digital pills is a listen-along audio experience. Each audio typically lasts less than 15 minutes, and uses neuro-linguistic programming training as its active ingredient.

Neuro-linguistic programming is a psychotherapeutic tool to reprogram the brain’s default thinking patterns.

Each audio combines several cutting-edge neuro-linguistic programming methods and techniques to rapidly rewire your mind and bring about lasting change.

Neuro-linguistic programming training is completely safe, and can be used by any adult. There’s no possibility of overdosing on an audio from Limitless Labs>>

To get started, all you have to do is select the pill you want and listen.


The Proven Science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Training

When the concept of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) came to fruition in the 1970s, Richard Bandler and dr. John Grinder shared one strong belief:

If the cards we are dealt in life don’t serve us well, we can always change them.

That may sound bold, but they knew that our primary representational system creates our own reality – as well as the fact that each of our brains has neural plasticity.

In other words, we interpret the world through our own unique lens, but that lens can be changed – and as a result, your life experience can change too.

When we challenge our subjective reality with unfamiliar experiences, our brain carves new neural pathways. As a result, we begin to interpret reality in a different way, which in turn activates new patterns of behavior.

By using these special neuro-linguistic programming training methods and techniques, our brain can be challenged to grow, quickly and easily, without having to physically endure the longer, real-world experiences that could bring about such positive inner-change.

And with that realization, the founders discovered that long-lasting change was not only possible, but also fast!



For example, this study>> investigated whether neuro-linguistic programming training methods and techniques could enhance performance capacity and focus in 24 professional shooters. After a few 2.5-hour sessions, the shooters showed visible improvements in focus and performance in both ordinary and under-pressure conditions of the competition. Neuro-linguistic programming training methods and techniques such as Anchoring and Golden Ring taught in this study revealed additional effects on the shooters' mental skills when measured by the OMSAT-3 tool: commitment to the goal, motivation, and increased tolerance to stress.


Similarly, this research paper>> examines the effect of neuro-linguistic programming training on young Iranian students' motivation and learning improvement. One random group received neuro-linguistic programming training and the other didn't. Not only did the former group increase their motivation level as a result of using the neuro-linguistic programming training methods and techniques, they also showed considerable improvement in EFL proficiency, which was their area of study.


Another meta-analysis>> looked at 12 different studies evaluating the effectiveness of NLP therapy for individuals with low self-esteem and other psychological hurdles. Across all of them, the practice added a significant increase in confidence levels (a mean difference of 0.54) between participants who used NLP and those who didn't.

💡 Study Number 4: SOCIAL ANXIETY

More supporting evidence arises in this study>>, where 28 adults experienced a significant reduction in social anxiety upon receiving neuro-linguistic programming training for 21 days. When participants were assessed again during a follow-up session, the researchers determined that their social anxiety had not resurfaced. In other words, they were subject to longer-lasting change.

💡 Study Number 5: PHOBIAS

Last but not least, phobias have also been extensively examined through the lens of neuro-linguistic programming. There is strong evidence>> that the neuro-linguistic programming training is one of the most efficient treatments for fear-based habits, by reframing negative experiences to elicit new behavioral responses.

In brief...

Neuro-linguistic programming training is a powerful method of achieving rapid inner-change. Limitless Labs>> wraps up these therapeutic neuro-linguistic programming training experiences into brief, 15-minute digital pills that can be listened to daily, with long-lasting results.

You are covered by an unconditional 1-year money-back guarantee!


Keep smiling and here's wishing you have a wonderful day filled with smiles and hugs and kisses and all things nice! ♥

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