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when you least expect it, the sun rises


How To Release Money Blocks Using The Source Energy?



This is for those who want to clean their energetic patterns that are blocking the natural flow of abundance and money in their life.

How To Release Abundance Blocks:

The key to liberating yourself from those blocks is to go to the Source Energy — the part of your personal energetic field known as your abundance frequency.

When you go to the Source Energy, your energy expands which means that you are in a state of being where you are able to heal parts of your energy field that are blocked. The more you expand, the more your energy shifts - and the more you are able to clear blocks that you picked up during your life.

If you don’t clear the root belief, you will keep on regressing into non-abundant frequencies.

The key to removing blocks is to vibrate on the abundance frequencies and from that vibrational place clear the limiting patterns.

Below you can experience the energy clearing method that allows you to access the higher part of you that

  1. knows where all of your resistance is, and

  2. helps you clean it.

Consequently, your vibrations raise and the natural flow of abundance and money can start flowing into your life effortlessly and joyfully!


Based on your beliefs and expectations about money, you make decisions and then attract physical manifestations. If you’re pleased with what you manifest, then your beliefs about money are empowering and positive. But if what comes back to you is not pleasing to you, then you’re blocked. There are some abundance blocks stuck in your energy that are blocking the natural flow of abundance. Because the well-being abounds. There’s no source of negative energy, there’s only the source of positive energy. And this energy of well-being flows to you all the time, constantly, it never ends. When you make your transition from physical into non-physical, you become one with this positive flow, this flow of well-being. Also, during meditation, when you achieve the state of no thought, that’s actually this state of complete well-being.

But if you’re blocked by a limiting belief, you’re not realizing the natural and effortless flow of well-being.

Even having one abundance block is enough to completely derail your life. But clearing your blocks is totally possible.

And once you release your abundance blocks, your vibration that you broadcast will automatically align itself with your goals! And suddenly, you'll find yourself making rapid progress.

This rapid progress happens because there’s no source of negative energy, there’s only source of positive energy!

And when you start releasing negative beliefs, with every release you make, you get a little bit closer to that flow, your energy becomes clearer, it becomes more positive, you start feeling lighter, you might even experience moments when you really feel that everything is okay – this is really an amazing feeling.

So when your energy gets closer to that stream of well-being, this stream is less blocked by your negative beliefs, there’s less resistance in it. This means that some really cool things that you’ve been wanting to manifest start showing up in your physical world.

You see, in the energy world manifestations happen instantly because in the energy realm there’s no resistance, but in physical world where the resistance is, they take a while.

This energy clearing method will open you on an energetic level and allow you to release blocked parts in your energy field into abundant frequencies of happiness, love, joy, freedom, and satisfaction that are natural to your inner being!



If you look around you, you'll see that there's a growing gap between the rich and the poor. The rich are getting wealthier and wealthier, and the poor are getting poorer and poorer. The gap is increasing.

And it's not education. It's not degree. because you will find that for any field you look at, there are broke teachers, broke writers, broke entrepreneurs. But there are also wealthy teachers. Wealthy writers. Wealthy entrepreneurs. It's not so much the industry or the intellect.

What truly determines your level of abundance is how you flow your energy. Specifically, it’s about your blocks around money, prosperity and abundance. These blocks are the root cause of how you attract money into your life.

You'll be guided by Christie Marie Sheldon

Christie Marie is known for helping people by using her spiritual gifts to give us guidance and help us manifest the reality of our dreams. She does this by helping us to

  • open up our awareness and

  • use our own spiritual gifts.

As a facilitator for consciousness, her greatest joy is to help people become who they really are. Making a difference in people's lives has become her life’s choice, because if enough people raise their consciousness and vibration to self-love and celebration, we can restore love on this planet!


Christie's greatest desire is for you to turn on your spiritual gifts and make your inner light brighter.

How to Release 24 Abundance Blocks By Connecting To The Source Energy? 5 Steps for Clearing Your Money Blocks & Attracting Abundance + Abundance Blocks Energy Clearing Session by Christie Marie Sheldon_The Unlimited Abundance Home Training Program Annual Launch_Unblock Your Abundance In 2019 Free Masterclass with Christie Marie Sheldon

Over the last 20 years Christie Marie Sheldon has been enhancing people's personal vibrations to seminal heights, allowing them to become magnets for life's pleasures using Christie’s world-renowned ENERGY CLEARING METHOD.

She has worked with more than 35,000 people one-on-one.

Christie is a remarkable woman with a special gift – the ability to connect with other people so that they start to magnetically attract success and abundance on autopilot.


She is intuitive coach & energy healer who

  • eliminates people’s abundance blocks,

  • raises their vibrations, and

  • manifests their ideal realities.



When you think of a gifted energy healer, what kind of person comes to mind?

You might think of someone wise, authoritative. Someone decked out in beads and flowing robes.

Christie Marie Sheldon is far from your typical energy worker.

As any of the thousands of people who have worked with her will tell you that there’s something special about this woman.

And is not just about her infectious laugh, or her bubbly, joyful, sometimes weird energy.

But rather, her uncanny ability to instantly read a person’s energy field - As easily as you would read a newspaper headline.

And then, to clear their abundance blocks, and dramatically raise their wealth vibrations - Just like how you might turn up the volume on a speaker.


How Christie helps you clear your abundance blocks:

If you’re a fan of live theater, you may have heard of the term, "breaking the fourth wall".

This happens when a character appears to become aware they’re in a fictional performance, as they turn to the audience, and explain an aspect of the plot to them.

In this moment, the invisible wall between fiction and reality shatters!

You may have noticed this narrative technique used in all sorts of productions - including TV shows like House of Cards and Modern Family.

But what could this possibly have to do with your personal growth?

After experiencing the energy clearing sessions with Christie Marie Sheldon, many participants say they’ve noticed themselves breaking the fourth wall between their conscious and subconscious minds.

As in, they’re able to consciously catch their abundance blocks in action, just as they bubble up to the surface - And in turn realize how deeply their own subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and habits are sabotaging their financial success.

This level of self-awareness is an incredibly valuable asset to your personal and financial growth.

But it’s also incomplete until you also know how to erase the abundance blocks you’re now becoming more aware of.


If you want to change your vibrational frequency you have to pay attention to how you feel.

But most of people are not paying attention to the SUBTLE feelings – and these are the feelings that are extremely important when you want to become a deliberate creator of your life. You have to

  • acknowledge them and

  • if they don't feel good - clean them!

This feelings come from your subconscious mind.

Your conscious mind deals with logic, while your subconscious deals with feelings. Although you might think your conscious mind directs your life, it’s your subconscious that runs the show.

Let’s say that something has just happened to you that reminds you of something that happened to you in your childhood but you can’t remember what this was – you are not conscious about it. All you know right now is that you have this tiny and unpleasant feeling that you carry around and broadcast to the Universe.

If you know about the Law of Attraction, you know that it can only bring you manifestations of the same vibration.

So, now you are broadcasting this unpleasant feeling, and the Law of Attraction is matching you up to the manifestation that is unpleasant to you!


Christie helps you clean these tiny feelings a lot!

The energy cleaning method helps you to become aware of those tiny vibrations – and this means that when you are aware of them you can change them and let the Law of Attraction bring to you manifestations that you truly desire!

You might be afraid of realizing which experiences from your childhood (and from your past lives) formed the abundance blocks within you BUT with this method you are completely safe.

What happens is that we all are infinite beings - this method helps us expand to that level (the soul, the god-part of us, the inner being, or whatever you want to call it), and when you are in that expanded state of being you cannot feel (for example) fear in the same way as you feel it while you're seeing yourself just as a physical being.

In the expanded state of being those painful stories don't hurt you because you are seeing them from the perspective of your soul who perfectly knows that these stories (blocks) can be completely released!

That's why this method is so simple - because from the broader view of your being (from the perspective of your soul) there's nothing you cannot BE or DO or HAVE - YOUR SOUL KNOWS 100% THAT ALL BLOCKS AND LIMITING BELIEFS CAN BE RELEASED IN ORDER TO GET YOU WHAT YOUR LIFE HAS SHOWED YOU THAT YOU WANT!


The Energy Clearing Method is so important because it focuses on replacing your subconscious abundance blocks that govern 95% of everything you experience in your life.

Those beliefs determine your point of attraction. And your point of attraction is what the Law of Attraction is responding to.

If you broadcast poor health, poverty, lack of confidence, loneliness, and all other negative emotions, the Law of Attraction can only bring you manifestations of the same emotions that you are broadcasting. It can only give you what you are giving to the Universe!

But once you start changing those belief patterns to the empowering and supportive ones, your point of attraction changes as well - and the Law of Attraction is now matching you up with manifestations of the new vibrational frequencies that you've started offering.

And here Christie can help you a lot.

She helps you expand to the soul level of your being, and from that level release blocks that are blocking your natural flow of abundance and money into your life.

Best of all, once you learn Christie’s methods, you’ll be able to practice them by yourself for the rest of your life, and draw on them whenever you need a dose of energy healing.


How Does It Feel Like:


Your eyes are closed...

You’re taking slow, deep breaths...

Your heart beats faster in anticipation...

And then it comes:

Sweet, breathtaking vibrational release... ahhhh

As yet another abundance block is sent fleeing from your energetic ecosystem...


If you’ve ever experienced a personal energy clearing session with a gifted healer like Christie Marie Sheldon (you can experience it in the videos below), you may know this feeling.

Some describe it as being like a spiritual orgasm.

Some say it makes them feel weightless, knowing they’re finally free to create the rich, prosperous, fulfilling realities they crave.

AND HOW DOES IT FEEL TO YOU? Let these 6 energy clearing sessions below help you discover this breathtaking feeling!

Energy Clearing Sessions for Releasing Your Abundance Blocks & Unblocking The Natural Flow of Abundance And Money In Your Life


1. Energy Clearing for Abundance Blocks Regarding Your Income & Your Income Limit

If you want to keep releasing your abundance blocks, start your journey HERE>>


2. Energy Clearing for Abundance Blocks Regarding Your Talents & Skills

If you want to keep releasing your abundance blocks, start your journey HERE>>


3. Energy Clearing for Abundance Blocks Regarding Your Future: GENERATE YOUR FUTURE SELF

This is Energy Clearing Session #19 from The Unlimited Abundance Home-Study Journey>>

In this session, Christie guides you through a process of using your image machine, to help your future self see what awesome things are in store for you. You get to look at what your ideologies, your thoughts, and your ideas are betraying your manifesting power. Also, you’re going to ask your future self what options you have to open the doorways to new opportunities. Also, there be lots of clearings of blocks that sabotage your future! So, tune in and make excellent future options show up for you. Let’s get your future self onboard!

To experience all 24 sessions, start the journey HERE>>


4. Meditation Session for Connecting to The Source Energy AND Energy Clearing for Abundance Blocks Regarding I Can't & Indebtedness

If you want to keep releasing your abundance blocks, start your journey HERE>>


5. Energy Clearing for Abundance Blocks Regarding Your Family - Mimicking Parents Beliefs

If you want to keep releasing your abundance blocks, start your journey HERE>>


6. Energy Clearing for The Following Abundance Blocks:

  • The Average Amount Of Income,

  • Blocks On Receiving Abundance,

  • Not Willing To Ask For Things,

  • Something Is Wrong Whit Money.

If you want to keep releasing your abundance blocks, start your journey HERE>>



If you want to release your abundance blocks, start your journey HERE>>



Many financial experts and high net worth individuals agree that a person’s income should never remain stagnant: and should in fact increase by at least 10% per year.

This annual increase is not only a way to consistently level up your standard of living and contribution – but is also symbolic of your lifelong commitment to getting better every day.

Unfortunately, abundance blocks cause most of us to fall short of this gold standard in personal finance. Instead, we get stuck in ruts. We wrestle with the same old insecurities and setbacks. And, we settle for the same amount of income for way too long – which thanks to inflation means we’re actually getting poorer each year!

The sustainable solution to this is not to work harder or clock in more overtime – it’s to erase your abundance blocks.

Use the calculator HERE>> (scroll to the What Could You Be Earning If You Were Free Of Abundance Blocks? section) to find out the amount you could be earning if you were free of your abundance blocks.



Christie guides you in discovering your unique blocks. That way, although it's 24 hours, you'll see results out of just a few hours of your time.

Christie Marie Sheldon has conducted over 35,000 successful private energy clearing sessions for people from all walks of life - including celebrities, CEOs, politicians, and the world's most successful people - INCLUDING A NOBEL PRIZE WINNER AND HIS WIFE.

Her method has been proven over and over again. It works. It will dramatically transform your life, as long as you stick with it. Which means this: if you go through the program and utilize the tools, you will see results.

That’s why you’re offered a 30-day money back guarantee!. That gives you plenty of time to

  • experience the course,

  • observe your results, and

  • even interact with Christie and the online community through the Facebook group.

That being said, if you aren't completely blown away by the course, you’ll get a 100% refund. You do not have to make a commitment until you've fully tried this out for 30 days!

Note that 1-on-1 sessions with Christie alone are $3,000 per hour for her energy clearing! Plus, there is a waiting list booked months in advance! Christie Marie Sheldon is known as an energy healer to an extensive client list of the world's top successful and famous people - INCLUDING A NOBEL PRIZE WINNER AND HIS WIFE!



Getting that high-quality material that will completely transform your life would normally cost you thousands (and thousands) of dollars!

But you'll get it for a much lower price! HAVE IN MIND:

The energy cleaning method helps you to release tiny unpleasant vibrations that sabotage you from behind the scene! When you release them, you let the Law Of Attraction bring to you manifestations that you truly desire because you are vibrating at a higher frequency!

You might be afraid of realizing which experiences from your childhood (and from your past lives) formed the abundance blocks within you BUT with this method you are completely safe.

What happens is that we all are infinite beings - this method helps us expand to that level (the soul, the god-part of us, the inner being, or whatever you want to call it), and when you are in that expanded state of being you cannot feel (for example) fear in the same way as you feel it while you're seeing yourself just as a physical being.

In the expanded state of being those painful stories don't hurt you because you are seeing them from the perspective of your soul who perfectly knows that these stories (blocks) can be completely released!

That's why this method is so simple - because from the broader view of your being (from the perspective of your soul) there's nothing you cannot BE or DO or HAVE - YOUR SOUL KNOWS 100% THAT ALL BLOCKS AND LIMITING BELIEFS CAN BE RELEASED IN ORDER TO GET YOU WHAT YOUR LIFE HAS SHOWED YOU THAT YOU WANT!

So you can try the program and be 100% sure it is a perfect fit for you. And if it’s not, you get a total refund!

There is no risk in trying this out – so don’t let your abundance blocks get in the way of the natural flow of abundance and money into your life!


The Unlimited Abundance Home-Training Journey by Christie Marie Sheldon


  1. Does it ever feel like your income doesn’t accurately reflect your hard work and effort?

  2. When you’re trying to attract more wealth, do you ever feel resistance coming from inside?

  3. Have you read books, taken courses, or been coached in personal finance - but still can’t get that breakthrough you’re looking for?

If your answer to any of these is YES...

then starting your Unlimited Abundance Journey>> could be the best decision you make.



  • If you tune out during the audio, don't worry — your subconscious mind picks up on things even if you are asleep, so you are still getting some of it. Go back to that part again later when your conscious mind is ready to hear what Christie is saying.

  • Keep a list posted of "favorite" clearings and the things you know you need to work on more, so you can go revisit those lessons again.

  • Christie puts a high vibration energy into all of the audios, so just having it on softly in the background as you do other things can help to raise vibration once you have the information down.

  • You can take note of the clearing statements you find most powerful and record those statements in your own voice - having a "best of" clearing statement compilation you can listen any time of the day.

  • Use the tools and techniques you've learned and try to integrate them into your daily life.

The Unlimited Abundance Home-Training Journey for Releasing 24 Abundance Blocks by Christie Marie Sheldon

Keep smiling and here's wishing you have a wonderful day filled with smiles and hugs and kisses and all things nice! ♥

Did this technique WOW you? Share your WOW with me in the comment box below.



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