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when you least expect it, the sun rises


How To Redesign Your Life In A Global Crisis And Uncertain Times?

UPDATE: The Lifebook Online no longer offers a rebate! However, the enrollment price has been significantly decreased, and you are covered by an unconditional 15-day money-back guarantee - You can refund yourself HERE>>

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There are always those who thrive when masses are dying of sickness. There are always those who thrive economically when economic decline seems to be the order of your nation. There are always those who are clear-minded in environments of confusion. You do not need everyone or anyone else to align with your desire - only you need to align with your desire. ~ Abraham Hicks

2020 started off with so much promise.

There were so many ambitious goals you wanted to achieve this year.

Then the world turned upside down in a heartbeat.

And now, many of those goals suddenly feel out of reach.

But there’s something about a crisis that makes us re-evaluate our priorities in life.

Things like our health. Our most important relationships. Our spiritual beliefs. Our emotional resiliency. And more.

And likely, you’ve started to rethink what you truly want out of life.

But with so much chaos happening around you, it’s extremely tough to get any clarity you need to move forwards.

Which is why you need a system.

A system that allows you to really dig deep into

  1. who you want to be,

  2. what you really want,

  3. why you want it, and

  4. how to get it all in life – no matter how crazy the world gets.


And there is such a system.

It’s called Lifebook.

It was created by a man named Jon Butcher.

And he has used this system to achieve what some might say is impossible:

He’s created extraordinary success in every area of his life. On his own terms. And without sacrifice or compromise.


Alongside his wife Missy, they filmed a life-changing video on

  1. how this system works and

  2. how you can start applying it in your life today.

You can watch it below.

And by the end of this video, you’ll also create one of the most important documents of your life.

It may only end up being just two pages long.

But it has the power to keep you connected to what you really want in life.

So you have the clarity, momentum, and personal power you need to pursue everything you desire in spite of these uncertain times.

If you want a balanced life, you need this 2-page document!

Try it out for yourself by watching this video below!



The 4-Step Process To Redesign Your Life And Get Crystal Clear On What You Desire To Achieve In 12 Different Areas Of Your Life

by Jon and Missy Butcher




In the videos below, you’ll

  1. Experience the premium $1,250 Lifebook Online program for free - Receive a personal invitation from Jon and Missy to their signature program at the end of the video - and take the next steps to designing your ultimate life.

  2. Get crystal-clear on what your truly want in life - Discover 4 powerful questions to ask yourself to create a powerful Life Vision that’s aligned with your truest desires.

  3. Learn how to live a life without sacrifice or compromises - Rise above the false paradigm of sacrifice and learn how to redesign your vision of success in all 12 dimensions of life.

  4. Also, you can experience a 9-minute guided visualization session that instantly brings your unique Life Vision into crystal-clear clarity!

In other words, you'll learn how you can have it all without struggle or sacrifice because sacrifice is BULLSHIT - YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL!
You know what Abraham say, right?
The Lifebook Online Course by Jon And Missy Butcher – The Life Envisioning Process That Allows You To Experience An Extraordinary Breakthrough (Not Just In 2019 But Beyond!) That You’ve Been Looking For!

Today Jon and Missy Butcher are experts in transcending goal-setting.

They live a billionaire lifestyle that consists of travelling the world and enjoying different cultures, but it didn’t happen overnight. Jon Butcher is a mental health advocate who struggled with extreme anxiety for many years.

During this time when he was overwhelmed with anxiety, he wanted to change his family’s lifestyle. This is when he and his wife Missy developed a personal development program called the Lifebook.

In this video, this dynamic power couple share their perspective on how specific goal-setting motivates you to plan an extraordinary life.

By exploring 12 different areas of your life, Lifebook takes you on your own journey of self-discovery that sets the path to your destiny.

Need help with parenting? Jon and Missy have assisted parents who experienced challenges in raising teenagers in today’s digital age. Raising four kids themselves, they can help.

Have relationship challenges? They have counselled married couples who were on the brink of divorce to rekindle the passion that once brought them together in the first place.

This video gives you a preview at how you can redesign your life with goal-setting to achieve a billionaire lifestyle.

If you thought a luxury lifestyle was out of the question, Jon and Missy Butcher’s Lifebook helps you plan your life vision. The way they see it, the universe is yours to discover.

This global nomad couple has taken their joint entrepreneurship to great places, while travelling the world with their four children. Together, they have helped 19+ business ventures worldwide.



Jon and Missy’s Life Envisioning method is a global phenomenon. Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide swear by it - in the video below, you’ll discover exactly how to use it to shape your own vision of success in the 12 dimensions of your life.

What separates Life Envisioning method from any other goal-setting or personal growth system is how it trains you to ask yourself:

"Is my idea of success really my own? Or is it a projection forced on me by society and the limiting beliefs I’ve been conditioned with?"

Then, by guiding you through 12 key areas of your life, Jon and Missy empower you to create your own personal game plan for success that keeps you constantly motivated, and aligned with the choices that will lead to your highest quality of life.

And that empowers you to have it all: the success, the relationships, the health, the fulfillment – without having to sacrifice one for the other.


Lifebook is the premier lifestyle design process that

  1. helps re-train your brain to think beyond the outdated, industrial age models of success,

  2. and instead frees you to re-define your own levels of success in all 12 categories of life.

You will discover a powerful framework designed to help you align every single one of your goals into one compelling vision of your life that

  • empowers you and

  • fuels you to have it all: the success, the relationships, the health, the fulfillment – without having to sacrifice one for the other.

This is the secret sauce. This is what makes so many people - including some of the world’s top super-achievers - swear by Lifebook and the sheer ongoing impact it triggers in their lives.



Feel forced to make sacrifices in life?

Many of us even believe we need to sacrifice some areas of life, in order to have success in others.

As a result, we often end up feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and incomplete - even after getting that promotion or raise.

In times of uncertainty, you need CLARITY. Here’s how…

With the state the world is in right now…

It can feel like life has been an endless series of trade-offs we can’t win.

If you’re feeling pressured to sacrifice one area of your life just to keep another afloat, you’re not alone.

These are, after all, unprecedented times for all of us.

But the real reason we end up making these sacrifices has less to do with the crisis we’re in!

It has more to do with the fact that most of us are clueless as to what we really want, or how to get it.

Because often, what we think we want is simply a projection forced on us by others.

What we should do instead, according to lifestyle design experts Jon and Missy Butcher, is to

  1. examine our entire lives, and

  2. define our personal vision of success by creating something they call a Life Vision.

And there’s nothing more important you can do for yourself than redefining what is truly important in your life.

Creating a Life Vision is the life-changing process that Jon and his wife Missy use to create extraordinary outcomes in all 12 dimensions of life, all at once:

  • They are financially free with a portfolio of socially responsible companies.

  • They are grandparents in their 50s, yet are also in the best shape of their lives.

  • They enjoy a thrilling romance even after decades of marriage.

  • And they even built a dream lifestyle which includes a home so breathtaking, it was featured on Oprah.

But how they created this Life Vision is just as fascinating as the words on this document. Their systematic process known as Lifebook has become a global phenomenon loved by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

And in this video they share precisely how to create your personal Life Vision.

Jon and Missy Butcher are some of those few ones who have it ALL!

And they prove it to you that it is possible to have all that you want - the success, the relationships, the health, the fulfillment – without having to sacrifice one for the other!


Redesign Your Life: A Life Envisioning Teaching With Lifebook by Jon and Missy Butcher

This teaching comes with a workbook:

Download the workbook HERE>> (ENGLISH)

Descarga tu cuaderno de trabajo AQUI>> (ESPAÑOL)

Baixe apostila AQUI>> (PORTUGUÊS)










Gestalte dein ultimatives Leben





The Proven System That Helps You

  1. Create A Crystal-Clear Vision Of Your Ultimate Life,

  2. Turn Your Vision Into Reality, And

  3. Live Your Greatest Life!


Between the lockdowns, quarantines and economic instability, our future can feel more unpredictable than it has ever been.

Which is why now - more than ever - having a north star to not only guide you through these turbulent times BUT to also accelerate towards an extraordinary vision for your life once the dust settles is crucial.

And while it may seem like everyone else around you is just struggling to keep things together, you now have a rare opportunity to reflect on what’s truly important to you and create a new game plan for your ultimate life.

A life where every dimension of your life is thriving in equal measure.

No more sacrifices.

No more compromises.


Lifebook Online is arguably the world’s most powerful lifestyle design system.

You simply follow its founders, Jon and Missy Butcher, as they guide you through the 12 dimensions of your life AND design a personal premise, vision, purpose, and strategy for extraordinary success in each area.

When you build out your personal Lifebook, you finally come to realize what you really want, and how to get it - without sacrifice or compromise.

The Lifebook Online Course by Jon And Missy Butcher – The Life Envisioning Process That Allows You To Experience An Extraordinary Breakthrough (Not Just In 2019 But Beyond!) That You’ve Been Looking For!




Upon enrolling, you’ll get instant access to an orientation video. Here you’ll

  • experience an overview of the 12 categories and

  • learn about the four foundational pillars of the Lifebook program: Premise, Vision, Purpose, and Strategy.

You’ll have an introduction to the Lifebook process and the system used to create your Lifebook. Soak it in and get prepared for a life-changing experience.


✔ Week 1

♥ Your Health and Fitness

Explore your health and fitness from a totally new perspective, as you define exactly what you want, why you want it, and what you need to do to get it. During the first category, you’ll get familiar with the way the Lifebook Program flows. This will set the rhythm of the remaining chapters.

♥ Your Intellectual Life

It’s time to think about thinking! Your intellectual life holds the power to move you quickly and forcefully towards your life’s goals. By the end of this interactive multimedia presentation, you’ll be feeling even more inspired and excited to be designing your life-consciously!


✔ Week 2

♥ Your Emotional Life

Explore the nature of emotions and discover how you can further develop your emotional intelligence. Make your emotions work for you, instead of living in reaction mode. Sharing your feelings and thoughts with your fellow Lifebook participants is a wonderful way to get even more out of this experience.

♥ Your Character

This is the foundational category that affects every other area of your life. During this profound exploration, you’ll define the person you need to become in order to achieve the life you desire. You’ll learn how to consciously choose the character traits you want to build into your life and develop a strategy for accomplishing that. The sky’s the limit in this category, so have fun.


✔ Week 3

♥ Your Spiritual Life

During this remarkable journey into your spirituality, you’ll examine, define, and document your deepest beliefs about life, the world, and your place in it. You’ll discover a strength deep within and gain a valuable new perspective on the purpose and meaning of your life.

♥ Your Love Relationship

In this breathtaking category, you’ll dig deep to define the values and expectations for your love life. You’ll achieve clarity on what you really want in this area of your life and identify what steps you can take to create and nurture an extraordinary love relationship.


✔ Week 4

♥ Your Parenting

A profound exploration for parents and non-parents alike, this category is as important as it gets, because the future of the whole human race depends on at least some of us doing it right! Examining this category at a deeper level than ever before will yield amazing results.

♥ Your Social Life

Here you’ll thoughtfully evaluate your relationships with friends and extended family. You’ll come to understand which relationships contribute positively to your life and which ones drain you. You’ll learn what actions you can take to strengthen your most important relationships and what you can do to let unhealthy relationships go.


✔ Week 5

♥ Your Career

Explore the meaning and rewards of a great career. Discover the three pillars upon which a successful, fulfilling career is based. Learn strategies to take any career to a higher level – and make more money in the process!

♥ Your Financial Life

Lifebook Members regularly tell that this is the most profound category of them all – making the Lifebook Program the best single financial investment they’ve ever made. Here you’ll deeply explore the true nature of money – what it is, where it comes from, and how wealth is actually created. From this process of self-discovery, you’ll come to view yourself and your financial life in an entirely new way.


✔ Week 6

♥ Your Quality of Life

This category will get you crystal clear on how you wish to spend the hours, the days, and the years of your life. As you delve into your Quality of Life you’ll discover how it can lead to rewarding spiritual, intellectual, and emotional breakthroughs and improve who you are as a human being.

♥ Life Vision

You’ve thought through your entire life, one category at a time. Now, you’re going to EXPERIENCE the life you intend to create. Using a deep, guided, visualization exercise, we’ll take a journey to your future… So you can see, feel, touch, and taste it… Experience your life 5 years from now – crystal clear, vivid and compelling. After this exercise, you’ll have a newfound clarity for how you will live from this day forward.

♥ The Journey Continues

Welcome to the Lifebook Family! You’ll emerge from this experience different than when you first joined us. Your Lifebook Online Program may have ended, but your new, self-directed life, created by your own conscious choice, is only just beginning.




Jon and Missy Butcher will answer your questions and guide you through the Lifebook Online process!

In this series of online group coaching sessions, Jon and Missy Butcher solve your challenges and guide you through every step of your Lifebook Journey. This bonus gives you full access to each session: each one a rare opportunity to connect with the founders of Lifebook in an intimate setting, designed to simulate high-end personal coaching with them.




"Can I see what your Lifebook looks like?" - is one of the most frequent requests Jon gets from curious Lifebook students.

So now, he's sharing selected pages of his Lifebooks with all Lifebook Online students - each one overflowing with their most empowering strategies and visions for various areas of life.

Just review these pages as you’re building out your Lifebook for a dose of instant inspiration.




Lifebook is the single most powerful life envisioning-system in existence today - the best way to know that is to experience it yourself.

So you can try the program and be 100% sure it is a perfect fit for you. And if it’s not, you get a total refund!

There is no risk in trying this out – so don’t let your LIMITING BLOCKS get in the way of you TURNING YOUR LIFE INTO A LIVING MASTERPIECE!


The Lifebook Online Course by Jon And Missy Butcher – The Life Envisioning Process That Allows You To Experience An Extraordinary Breakthrough (Not Just In 2019 But Beyond!) That You’ve Been Looking For!

Experience An Extraordinary Lifestyle Design System That Makes Your Life A Living Masterpiece:







A taste of Lifebook...

EXPERIENCE THE CATEGORY 13: The Power of Sex, Romance, and Passion


Keep smiling and here's wishing you have a wonderful day filled with smiles and hugs and kisses and all things nice! ♥

Did this technique WOW you? Share your WOW with me in the comment box below.-Day


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