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A Brand-New Fitness Protocol: Gain Your Dream Body In Just Two 15-Minute Weekly Workouts

10X - A Brand-New Fitness Protocol Gain - Your Dream Body In Just Two 15-Minute Weekly Workouts by Mindvalley



We all deserve to have the body, the health, and the fitness we truly want.

But the PURSUIT for that body, that health, and that fitness should not consume all of our time.

Put it this way:

Would you rather…

Spend an hour on a boring monotonous run on a treadmill or endure a crazy intense workout that just leaves you sore and exhausted?


Spend just 15 minutes TWICE a week on a lightning-fast workout that effectively AND efficiently crafts your dream body so you can actually use that body for the things that bring joy in your life?
  • Like using that newfound stamina to play with your kids (or grandkids).

  • Or to impress your partner with that new hot, sexy body in bed.

  • Or to go on that exciting adventure that gets your heart pumping.

  • Or to have the sustained energy to pursue your passions and goals.

  • Or most importantly, to live a long-fulfilled life, while looking and feeling your absolute best doing it.


Is working out less the key to optimal fitness? Does this make conventional fitness approaches obsolete?

This doesn’t happen very often so make sure you see this!

It's about a brand-new fitness protocol called 10X.
It’s designed to give you the same strength gains, muscle growth and extraordinary levels of fitness that exercising in a gym 4-5 hours a week would give you but in just TWO 15-minute weekly workouts.

If you are skeptical…

Here’s the science behind it.

Now, you’re probably thinking, How can exercising as little as 30 minutes a week in TOTAL possibly transform my fitness and my body?

According to the latest science in muscle conditioning, the key lies in triggering an evolutionary mechanism in our bodies called the adaptive response.

Essentially, it is what allowed our prehistoric ancestors to quickly become stronger, faster and more agile (or else end up being a sabre-toothed tiger’s next meal).

10X is designed to trigger this very same physiological adaptation – exactly how this happens is shown in the video below.

This video is a game-changer for so many people, and really challenges what we thought we knew about fitness. Watch it with an opened mind.


How To Get 10x Fitter & Stronger - By Cutting Out 90% Of Your Usual Exercise Time by Lorenzo Delano & Ronan Oliveira

You'll learn why the common approach to working out is often a waste of time and energy - and how you can gain optimal fitness, strength, and longevity with just 15 minutes of exercise, twice a week. By the end of the video, you’ll know exactly how to break free from the time-wasting traditional approach to working out - and achieve your dream body & fitness in just 15 minutes of beautifully optimized exercise, twice a week.

Video highlights:

  • Why “the more you work out, the fitter you get” is today’s biggest myth in exercise & fitness science - Discover why the latest studies in muscle conditioning prove it’s unnecessary to spend hours a week in the gym - and how you can get even fitter, stronger, and healthier by exercising less.

  • Terrified cave people & hungry saber-toothed tigers = nature’s best-kept secret to optimal fitness - Explore the fascinating ways the human body adapts to perceived danger - and how you can safely and rapidly supercharge your strength, agility, and longevity through simple exercises that trigger your body’s evolutionary mechanisms.

  • The one and only type of exercise you need to focus on, in order to gain optimal fitness - It’s okay to enjoy cardio, yoga, or traditional gym workouts - but if you want the best results in the least amount of time possible, science shows this is the only form of exercise you need.

  • Why your regular exercise routine could be destroying your muscle growth, and setting you up for more excess weight - Some of the most common approaches to exercise - particularly among women - can also be the most damaging to your strength, fitness, weight, and longevity. Discover what they are, and what to do instead.

  • How to achieve extraordinary strength & fitness, and look like a Greek god - without even stepping foot in a gym - Global events have left many unable or reluctant to visit the gym regularly. Here’s how you can enjoy comparable results, not with bulky or costly equipment - but just a handful of simple, inexpensive, easy-to-find tools.


10x Fitness by Ronan Oliveira




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Как тренироваться меньше и получать в 10 раз больше результатов с Ронаном Оливейра

10X - A Brand-New Fitness Protocol That Gives You Your Dream Body In Just Two 15-Minute Weekly Workouts By Harnessing The Latest Science In Muscle Stimulation by Lorenzo Delano & Ronan Oliveira



10X>> is a 12-week online total body transformation program. In this time, you’ll join Lorenzo Delano and Ronan Oliveira for just 10-15 minutes a day as they guide you through the core exercises for

  1. activating your adaptive response mechanisms,

  2. engaging your muscles and

  3. permanently transforming your health & fitness in just 15 minutes of working out, twice a week.

The 10X total body transformation program>> runs for 83 consecutive days. It is easy to follow and accessible for people of all ages, genders, lifestyles, and fitness levels (although it is recommended you start with a baseline level of moderate health & fitness for your age).

You don’t even need a gym membership: all 10x exercises can be performed either at home or at the gym.

The program’s ultimate goal is to empower you with a deep understanding of your body’s fitness mechanisms - so that even after the initial 12 weeks, you can easily lock in a lifelong habit of optimized weekly exercise, eat and rest right, and even target specific areas of your body for more focused gains.

The 10X total body transformation program>> has been receiving the overwhelmingly positive feedback:

  • From the many women who, for the longest time, bought into the false myth that weight training would result in them getting big and bulky.

  • To the elderly who felt it was too late to be getting fit and strong again, or that exercise would be too strenuous for their bodies.

  • To the ‘gym rat’ who, until just a few days ago, would spend hours upon hours a week straining in the gym in an endless pursuit for their dream body.

Bottom line: many of the fitness myths that have held most people back from achieving that dream body they've always fantasized about are truly getting debunked by the 10x.






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10x is divided into three phases, each with its own distinct focus:

The Warm-Up (Week 1)

Your 10X journey begins with an introduction to the core exercises and philosophies you’ll use throughout the program to transform your body and your fitness. You’ll also get a clear perspective on your current fitness level, and how to safely and efficiently transition from where you are, to where you want to be.

Highlights include:

  • The 6 core exercises of the 10X methodology: these highly optimized exercises are designed to engage multiple muscle groups at the same time, and rapidly trigger your body’s adaptive response - so you get breakthrough results in a fraction of the usual time.

  • The right way to work out: explore concepts like form, breathing pattern, and tempo to get the most out of each exercise you do, and greatly minimize your chances of injury.

  • The 10X body assessment: take this assessment to gain an accurate measure of critical biomarkers like your body fat percentage and body composition, so you can take a personalized approach to your body transformation, and enjoy the best possible results.


Phase 1: Your Transformation Begins (Week 2 - 4)

In your first phase of 10X, you’ll begin using the essential exercise routines for triggering your body’s adaptive response in just 15 minutes a session, twice a week. You’ll also discover how to harness nutrition, muscle growth mechanisms, and other supporting concepts to optimize your workouts and accelerate your results.

Highlights include:

  • The 10X Big 6 routine: discover how to apply 10X’s 6 core exercise in your bi-weekly workouts, in a way that fits your objectives and current fitness level. You’ll also be shown exactly how and when to increase the intensity of your training as you get stronger and fitter.

  • How to eat for fitness (and enjoy it): eating the right food and supplements to support muscle growth and recovery isn’t rocket science - and as you’ll discover, it doesn’t have to be torture either. In fact once you know how, you can still enjoy all sorts of food, without sacrificing on your macronutrients or fitness goals.

  • The subtle (but crucial) differences in male vs female training: there are a lot of rules surrounding how men and women should work out. Here you’ll discover why most of them are myths - and what you should be doing to optimize your results for your gender.

  • The right way to increase your weights: how to apply the progressive overload and sequential recruitment principles to safely and efficiently strengthen your muscles, and your overall fitness through the optimal level of weight and set + rep increases.


Phase 2: Sculpting Your Dream Body (Week 5 - 9)

Once you’ve gained a strong foundation for your fitness, it’s time to take it to the next level. Here you’ll go deeper into specific muscle groups, daily rituals, workout intensity, and other advanced concepts for optimizing the results you enjoy from exercise, and minimizing the time it takes to get it done.

Highlights include:

  • Want a nicer chest? A firmer butt? More sculpted arms or legs? Learn 9 additional optimized exercises that cover all your muscle groups, and give you the freedom to sculpt your body according to your aesthetic and strength preferences.

  • Advanced intensity techniques for 10X-ing your strength: these special techniques are like a nitro boost in a car, rewarding you with exponentially better gains in a small window of time.

  • How to burn fat & gain muscle at the same time: you won’t have sculpted abs if you’ve still got a little too much fat around your belly. Discover the optimal way to burn fat while gaining muscle, without any of the typical calorie counting, carb cutting, or starvation.

  • The big lie about toning: why the common approach to lifting light weights to tone your muscles simply doesn’t work - and what you should be doing instead if you want that coveted lean, slim & strong look.


Phase 3: Living Your 10x Lifestyle (Weeks 10 - 12)

In your final phase, you’ll take everything you’ve learned about optimal exercise and its supporting habits - and turn them into a sustainable, rewarding, easy-to-follow lifestyle that fits beautifully with your schedule and your personal fitness and aesthetic goals. You won’t even need the 10X program once you’ve reached the end of this phase, because your entire approach to fitness will be so intuitively ingrained in you, that it comes naturally.

Highlights include:

  • Personalizing your perfect 10X workout: you’ll be guided through each step of designing a personal workout and nutrition plan customized to your fitness goals and your lifestyle (the kind you’d normally pay a personal trainer and nutritionist thousands of dollars for - but far more effective).

  • Optimizing your recovery window with sleep: now that you’ve gained an unshakable foundation in nutrition, you’ll discover how to use sleep to improve your body’s efficiency in strength and muscle mass development - so you can upgrade your physique even when passed out.


Day by day flow over 12 weeks

10X - A Brand-New Fitness Protocol That Gives You Your Dream Body In Just Two 15-Minute Weekly Workouts By Harnessing The Latest Science In Muscle Stimulation - Part 1
10X - A Brand-New Fitness Protocol That Gives You Your Dream Body In Just Two 15-Minute Weekly Workouts By Harnessing The Latest Science In Muscle Stimulation - Part 2
10X - A Brand-New Fitness Protocol That Gives You Your Dream Body In Just Two 15-Minute Weekly Workouts By Harnessing The Latest Science In Muscle Stimulation - Part 3
10X - A Brand-New Fitness Protocol That Gives You Your Dream Body In Just Two 15-Minute Weekly Workouts By Harnessing The Latest Science In Muscle Stimulation - Part 4


These are basic pieces of equipment that will allow you to do at least one basic variation of all exercises. Think of them as your minimum to be able to train and progress on your results.

  1. Resistance bands: One set of looped resistance bands (1 light, 1 medium, and 1 heavy resistance).

  2. Pull-up bar: Anything you can hang yourself from and can attach resistance bands to will work. The cheapest, most convenient and also one of the best options is the type of bar you can place in the doorway with no holes or screws.

  3. Dumbbells: 3 pairs of dumbbells, at least. Adjustable dumbbells are more expensive but a much more convenient option. More sets of dumbbells, if that’s available for you, will support faster progress.

  • Light: 4-8 kg for men | 2-4 kg for women.

  • Medium: 10-14 kg for men | 6-10 kg for women.

  • Heavy: 16 kg or above for men | 12 kg or above for women.

You don't need the gym membership!

10X - A Brand-New Fitness Protocol That Gives You Your Dream Body In Just Two 15-Minute Weekly Workouts By Harnessing The Latest Science In Muscle Stimulation

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Keep smiling and here's wishing you have a wonderful day filled with smiles and hugs and kisses and all things nice! ♥

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