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How To Get Over A Painful Breakup & Heal From It?

How To Get Over A Painful Breakup And Heal From It?

Does time really heal all wounds?

Why broken hearts seem impossible to heal?

Why we don’t learn how to move on?


If you’ve ever been experienced a breakup, you’ve probably dealt with the pain, grief, and anger that comes with it.

Maybe you’ve retreated into yourself, not wanting to leave the bed. Instead, you’re curled up in the fetal position with a box of tissues.

Asking yourself questions like…

"Where did things go wrong?"

And if there was betrayal involved, the pain cuts even deeper.

You start to re-examine every single detail.

"How did I miss this?"

"Was everything we had a waste of time, a lie?"

Even when the worst of the pain subsides, you may still find yourself hurting. And before you know it, you start doing, saying, and thinking things you never thought you were capable of.

Your friends notice it. Your family notices it. And your kids (if you have them) notice it.

Everyone can tell there’s been a shift. Weeks, months, or even years later heartbreak has morphed you into someone you never thought you’d be.

You’re not truly able to move on.



But as much as getting over a breakup for good may seem impossible, you CAN heal your heart for true peace and hope for better love in your life.

Deep down, your heart is silently crying out to a release this burden. Your heart wants to feel better.

If you truly want to heal your heart, reclaim your power, and live happily even after, you’ll have to make the CONSCIOUS DECISION TO HEAL YOUR HEART.


Every single person on the planet wants to get over a breakup in a painless, healthy way.

But unfortunately, that often doesn’t happen. Instead we end up holding on to hurt from a breakup instead of moving on.

The thing is, it’s not your fault.

You see, our brains process emotional pain like a physical wound.

Only there’s no medical treatment or pill to mend a broken heart.

But that does NOT mean we need remain hurt and unable to let go.

We can breakup with bad breakups, free ourselves of the pain, and truly move on from a breakup with peace, love, and a clear heart.

Isn’t that ultimately what we want? To finally be able to let go of the hurt and move on for a better, happier love life in the future?


That’s exactly why uncoupling in a conscious way is so extraordinary - It allows you to FINALLY and TRULY heal your heart.

And when you do, you’ll show up as a whole, complete love alchemist who’s able to attract the love you deeply desire, without the weight of bad breakups derailing your love abundance.



How To Break Free From Negative Relationships, Reclaim Your Power, and Make Your Heart Whole Again?

by Katherine Woodward Thomas


Katherine Woodward Thomas, internationally renowned relationship therapist, is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and teacher to thousands in her in-person and virtual learning communities.

In this teaching, she teaches you a powerful 10-minute exercise to release relationship hurts and heal your heart.

Katherine teaches you the method called conscious uncoupling.

This 5-step process to truly move on from the end of a relationship has radicalized what it means to breakup. Katherine’s revolutionary method rejects the negative, painful, and hurtful process of breaking up.

Instead, conscious uncoupling ends a relationship with love, peace, and a clear heart -- whether you’re doing it with or without your former partner.

The method has been practiced by many couples – including celebrities. You might be a little familiar with the conscious uncoupling method from Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin’s 2014 decision to divorce.


When Katherine was in her early forties, she decided to consciously evolve beyond her own painful patterns in love, and she miraculously manifest a beautiful marriage, and became a mother for the first time.

For many years, she and her husband were happy together.

A decade later, however, they realized that they’d grown apart and, after much discussion, decided to end their marriage. Yet they’d both been raised by parents who’d had messy, hostile breakups, and knew how damaging divorce could be for kids.

Katherine also knew how traumatic a bad breakup could be from the many heart-wrenching experiences she’d had in the past.

This motivated her to develop the 5-Step Conscious Uncoupling Process that just a few years later would inspire the kind and conscious breakup of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin.

Now you can learn to use your breakup as a powerful catalyst for a positive, life altering breakthroughs and change. In the video below, you can begin the process of healing after a breakup.


So, this teaching is for you if you want to know how to:

  • release the pain of a breakup,

  • stop your heartache,

  • learn to let go of relationship hurts,

  • create space to let better love into your life in the future, and

  • heal your heart for good so you can finally move on.


This teaching will change the way your relationship abundance flows forever!


The teaching comes with the workbook, which you can download HERE>>


The teaching covers the following:

  • Katherine guides you in a powerful 10-minute exercise to release relationship hurts and heal your heart.

  • If you are worried that breaking up might hurt the kids, you’ll get familiar with the 5-step healing process that Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow used to part ways with her former husband. Use these techniques to end your relationship in a healthy way so you and your children (if you have them) stay emotionally happy and stable.

  • Studies show that end-of-relationship stress is equivalent to losing a family member. Learn how to overcome the grief of a breakup and move forward in peace and happiness.

  • Discover the 4 big relationship myths and how these lies could be keeping you from feeling more whole, more complete, and freer in love.

  • Find out why time does NOT heal all wounds, and what you can do to release negative energy from past breakups even if the breakup happened years ago.

  • Discover how to shift the energy from brokenness to kindness when ending a relationship, with or without the help of your partner.

  • Is "Happily Ever After" syndrome holding you back? Learn how to reject this false belief so you can finally free yourself for more love in your life.



Whether you’re fresh off a divorce, on the verge of a breakup, or still struggling with past breakup wounds, The Conscious Uncoupling Journey>> will show you how to bring your past relationship to a healthy end, so you can heal your heart and let love in again.

Uncouple in a conscious and respectful way and heal your heart for relationships to come.

Heartbreak is a pain we’re all too familiar with.

But we don’t have to be.

A huge part of breakup hurt is that we’ve been fed false myths about love.

And when our relationships don’t measure up to these myths, and heartbreak happens, we can’t let it go.

We wrack our brains and our hearts for answers, unable to free ourselves from these myths… because that’s how we’ve been told love works.

Problem is, when we experience this deep emotional pain, it takes root. Not only are we unable to free ourselves during a breakup -- we carry that pain with us, sometimes for years afterward.

According to relationship therapist Katherine Woodward Thomas, the solution to this is to firmly reject these love myths and allow ourselves to truly heal after a breakup.

  • Instead of recounting every detail of our relationship, you can stop thinking about your ex and move forward with peace, honoring the love you shared.

  • Instead of holding onto the hurt from a breakup, you can release the negative feelings that are associated with breakups and choose to replace them with kindness and love.

  • Instead of trying to just cope or get through it, you can reject the myth that time heals all wounds, heal your heart in a way that restores you, and brings so much positivity for your future love life.


After personally counselling and guiding hundreds through this conscious way to end a relationship, Katherine has developed a gentle, step-by-step emotional process you can use to bring more awareness, healing and compassion into a breakup – whether you’re doing it alone or with your former partner.

Whether you’re in the middle of a break up, thinking of breaking up, or even if you experienced a painful breakup some time ago, then conscious uncoupling method can change everything for you.


This journey>> is the culmination of Katherine’s latest work which rewires us on how a breakup should look and feel like.

  1. Where instead of you feeling like a failure for ending a relationship, you emerge stronger and more empowered than ever.

  2. Instead of living in depression and sorrow for days on end, you tap into your inner power to create a brighter future.

  3. And instead of suffering from hostility, pain, and drama, you end your love relationship in the most tranquil and peaceful way – where you and your partner feel nothing but deep kindness and respect for each other.


Through this journey>>, Katherine will guide you through one of the most profound transformations you’ll ever experience in your relationships - And it may just be the most important shifts you make for both you AND your partner.



The Conscious Uncoupling Journey>> is a simple 5-step process to finally breakup with the pain of your breakup.

So often, we leave our healing to time… But time does not heal all wounds. When it comes to the heart, its memory is powerful, and if we don’t address them, the wounds live long. It can take years before we feel whole again. And even then, the hurt can still linger beneath the surface.

The Conscious Uncoupling Journey>> is designed to help you heal the wounds of your heart and finally free yourself from the pain, overwhelm, and grief of your breakup.

You'll discover how to free your mind from myths about love so you can heal from breakups in the healthy way.

The Conscious Uncoupling Journey>> runs for 35 consecutive days. During this time, you’ll spend around 5 - 20 minutes per day unlocking powerful strategies and healing processes with Katherine Woodward Thomas via video. And you’ll also receive supporting resources to augment your learning.

You’ll unlock each day of The Conscious Uncoupling Journey>> through exclusive learning platform. Also, you’re going to go through the program along with thousands of others with real-time guidance from Katherine Woodward Thomas.

In The 35-Day Conscious Uncoupling Journey>>, Katherine guides you through the 5-step process to get over a breakup for good.



The journey consists of 3 parts:


Part 1: From Grief to Relief (14 Days)

Discover the foundations of Conscious Uncoupling Journey as Katherine Woodward Thomas works to help you identify and shed the deepest source of pain in your breakup. Your journey of healing begins with unearthing the core of your grief and overcoming it so you can start the path of permanent release and relief from heartbreak.

Highlights include:

  • Discover how the "time heals all wounds" myth is one of the main sources holding you back from truly moving on.

  • Learn 3 simple strategies to identify and instantly soothe the pain and suffering you’re feeling from a breakup.

  • Develop powerful self-care practices to shift your heart’s feelings from breakup to breakthrough.

  • Create the mindset to move from fault to freedom -- learn how to forgive yourself and break free from the negative trap of obsessing over your past relationship.

  • Awaken to your breakup as a life-altering opportunity to "break your heart open" and fuel unprecedented positive change in your life.


Part 2: Break the Pattern & Re-frame Your Love Life (14 Days)

Discover the patterns that have been recurring in your love life and how these patterns have contributed to heartbreak after heartbreak. Katherine will show you how to break these patterns so you can attract the love relationship you desire.

Highlights include:

  • Discover the secret to release any and all negative energy between you and your partner so you can clear the air between you.

  • Restore your self-confidence in your choices by forgiving yourself for anything your subconscious is holding against you about your relationship.

  • Break free of old relationship patterns that may be holding you back from the love you desire so you can move on resentment-free.

  • Repair the insult to your identity that a breakup represents and awaken your heart to the knowledge that you are worthy of love.

  • Chart your love plan to attract the love you want in your future by setting a potent intention for your love life.


Part 3: Create Your Happily Even-After Life (7 Days)

Complete your Conscious Uncoupling Journey by developing new boundaries and beliefs for your future relationship. You’ll enter into an amazing new level of agreement with yourself on how you love, and will create space for the right love to enter your life.

Highlights include:

  • Move through the six stages of grief to fully accept your feelings, release them into the universe, and harness the power of those feelings for positive attraction in your life.

  • Exercise 7 powerful self-care practices to tend to your needs fully and commit to loving yourself through this healing experience.

  • Create new love and relationship agreements with yourself so you can move forward and win in your next relationship.

  • Align your life with the new agreements you’ve created, so that you are ready to win and welcome the love you desire in your future.

  • Celebrate this new stage with a ceremony to honor your past relationship and enter a fulfilling, whole, and happy journey of life and love.

Curriculum Of The 35-Day Conscious Uncoupling by Katherine Woodward Thomas_How To Heal Your Heart, Recover From The Breakup, Reclaim Your Power, and Live Happily Even After_Get Over a Breakup, Release Your Grief, and Open Your Heart for Love Again



You'll get access to 5 PRE-RECORDED Q&A SESSIONS (worth $1,500 per session). She answered the most pressing questions that appear during the conscious uncoupling program.

This is the perfect way to clarify any questions you may have, and experience coaching with Katherine Woodward Thomas.



To go through the journey again, you don't have to make further purchases of it!

Great thing about this online course is that it keeps being improved by the author and the publisher.

This means that you get the access to the latest strategists, methods, practices, knowledge and all other updates on conscious uncoupling for free!

You’re free to revisit different portions and brush up on specific techniques or lessons as often as you like.

What's more, you also have the option to join as many future intakes of The Conscious Uncoupling Journey>> intakes as you like. Meaning you can experience it over and over again.

Many students tell that retaking the journey is like re-reading a good book: you get to discover new things you didn’t notice, and deepen your learning each time. Plus you get to connect with even more like-minded people on the same journey as you.




Keep smiling and here's wishing you have a wonderful day filled with smiles and hugs and kisses and all things nice! ♥

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