Modern day society believes that the ultimate key to love, wealth, and happiness is the result of backbreaking work.
The truth is… We just crash and burn when we stretch ourselves too much.
If you look around you can see that stress is an epidemic.
People are working harder than ever but getting nowhere.
Maybe success is NOT so much about the effort we put in...
Maybe a life of prosperity, health and meaning is NOT so much of the results of the actions we take…
BUT the energy we radiate.
Unlocking The Healing Power Of Your Chakras
by Anodea Judith
In this teaching, Anodea Judith explains
the 7 Chakra system,
how just ONE energy block in any of them rejects abundance in your life and causes an imbalanced life (a life with a lack of love, prosperity, health, and meaning), and
how to realign your Chakras.
Plus, she'll also guide you through a quick 20-minute chakra healing meditation to
counter these energy blocks, and
direct your energy flow so you can start letting in an abundance of love, wealth, vitality, and meaning.
The guided chakra healing meditation for releasing energy blocks and start letting in abundance of love, wealth, vitality and meaning starts at 43:31.
Make sure that you're in a comfortable position with no distraction. And just let Anodea guide you through a deep, immersive Chakra meditation that will help you align all 7 of your chakras so you feel more balanced, at peace, and whole.
This meditation is best enjoyed with headphones.
So, if you believe that sometimes the Universe is against you, or you just want the good things to flow more easily to you, watch the video below.

Anodea Judith is best known for her groundbreaking work
reviving the chakra system of ancient yoga, and
its profound correlation to human psychology and the process of manifestation.
But before she became a globally renowned speaker, a bestselling author, and one of the most sought-after energy healers today, Anodea was a struggling artist, trying to make ends meet as a single mother with little to no money to her name.
Worse still, Anodea had been suffering from Lyme disease – which can lead to severe arthritis, which was left undiagnosed for almost 5 years.
It was through an unexpected vision of her future book, The Chakra System, yet unwritten, that inspired Anodea to
dive even deeper in understanding this ancient bioenergetic system and
how to apply it to elevate different dimensions of our lives.
As a trained clinical psychologist, she’s able to merge both modern Western psychology practices and Eastern healing philosophies and modalities like the Chakras into a very practical way that can have a direct impact on your day-to-day life. She has helped thousands
heal past childhood traumas and
wake up to their true spiritual essence.
Anodea is a phenomenal healer who has had over 4 decades of teaching the chakra system to a worldwide audience.
The masterclass comes with the workbook, which you can download HERE>>
The guided chakra healing meditation for releasing energy blocks and start letting in abundance of love, wealth, vitality and meaning starts at 43:31.
Make sure that you're in a comfortable position with no distraction. And just let Anodea guide you through a deep, immersive Chakra meditation that will help you align all 7 of your chakras so you feel more balanced, at peace, and whole.
This meditation is best enjoyed with headphones.
The masterclass covers the following:
The architecture of your soul through your 7 chakras – and how each chakra impact key elements of your human experience (from your wealth, your love life, your ability to communicate, and more.)
How to rapidly diagnose which of your chakras are open or closed so you can identify which area of your life to focus your attention to most.
The #1 mistake spiritually-inclined people make in their spiritual growth journey that actually makes them feel less fulfilled and whole in life.
How to use the "2-Way Chakra Energy Current" so you can manifest your ideal life AND tap into higher consciousness for inspiration – all at the same time.
How to use your Chakras as a tool to heal even your most painful traumas and finally liberate yourself from a cycle of pain, frustration, and anxiety.
A Deep Dive Into The Ancient Healing Science Of The Chakras
The Art of Balancing Your 7 Chakras To Heal and Manifest Your Ideal Life
Discover How To Reinvigorate Your Energetic Ecosystem So You Can Effortlessly Elevate Any Area Of Your Life At Will.
This coaching will teach you how to reconnect and influence each of the 7 chakras - so you can elevate any area of your life at any given moment!
If you enjoy Anodea's work and you'd like to heal past traumas, manifest your ideal life, and feel more fulfilled and whole - then The Chakra Healing Coaching Course>> is for you.
This course will reconnect you with one of the most fundamental (yet mostly forgotten) aspects of your entire being — your personal energetic ecosystem.
Energy permeates not just us, but everything around us.
It is what connects our thoughts (our desires, goals and fantasies) with the physical, material world.
And when you understand how to influence your energies through the chakras, then you will quickly realize just how easy it is to
Shape your ideal life.
Heal past traumas and finally free yourself from negative patterns — in both thought and behavior.
Allow inspiration to come to you and allow your life purpose to come into crystal-clear focus.
Connect to a higher power so you can experience each day with deep fulfillment, wholeness, and joy.
So, if you’re someone who wishes to use their chakras to better themselves and the world around them, then The Chakra Healing Coaching Course>> is for you.
Human beings are first and foremost vibrational/energetic beings. When we are able to manage our energy effectively, it can easily and effortlessly flow to us and through us. The balanced flow of energy means that we are happy and satisfied with our life and eager for more - we are looking forward to all positive manifestations that are making their way into our life but at the same time we do not complain about the absence of what we want to manifest.
As vibrational beings we broadcast vibrations, which in simple terms are emotions that we feel in every moment. Whatever emotion we broadcast on a regular basis, it causes the physical manifestation that is of the same vibration as our broadcasting. In other words, like attracts like.
In order to experience manifestations of what we want and deliberately create our life, we have to pay attention to what kind of energy we are broadcasting (what kind of emotions we are feeling on a regular basis).
Here's why The 35-Day Chakra Healing Coaching Program>> is extremely important because it teaches you how to balance the flow of your energy so that you are able to experience love, wealth, vitality and meaning in your life. It takes around 30 days to start gaining the control of how you're flowing your energy. After 30 days of regular practice, you'll start experiencing positive consequences as the shifts in your energy field start taking place in your physical life.
When your energy is balanced, your vibrations naturally raise. What this means is that your vibrations are on the same frequencies as your desires. When you maintain this frequencies long enough, they gain momentum and start manifesting in the physical world.
Your work is to balance your energy (control your vibrations - emotions), so that you naturally start feeling emotions of love, happiness, satisfaction, joy... most of the time. These emotions indicate that your energy is balanced.
At every moment there’s an energetic current flowing to you and through you. This energy influences every aspect of your life. It circulates through you (starting from your tailbone, and ending at the crown of your head) forming 7 distinct wheels of swirling energy known as the 7 chakras.
Each chakra governs a key aspect of your life. When your chakras are allowed to flow freely, creating your ideal life becomes as effortless as breathing.
Do you know how to influence your chakras at will?
Imagine if you developed the ability to tap into the power of your chakras at any given moment to elevate a key area of your life instantly, like:
Getting that next promotion or raise in your career - unblock your 1st chakra
Heating up your sex life so you can experience toe-curling orgasms - unblock your 2nd chakra.
Boosting your self-esteem and strengthen your self-worth - unblock your 3rd chakra.
Projecting unshakable confidence when delivering a speech or a presentation - unblock your 5th chakra.
This is the essence of the ancient science of the chakras.
Within The 35-Day Chakra Healing Coaching Program>> you’ll discover Anodea Judith's proven exercises and techniques to allow you to effortlessly
balance the flow of your chakras,
overcome even your most stubborn personal barriers, and
improve any area of your life you wish at will.
open your chakras,
heal your traumas, and
manifest your ideal life.
This program is for people who want to experience love, wealth, vitality and meaning of life by balancing their energy.
The coaching runs for 35 consecutive days.
During this time, you'll receive regular 15-20 minute daily lessons designed to help you balance your 7 chakras.
The 35-Day Chakra Healing Coaching Program>> contains tools that build on top of each other in a way that supercharges each of the techniques.
The Chakra Healing Coaching Program>> is a 35-day online journey towards
discovering the bioenergetic architecture of your soul, and
how to influence is to shift your life and the world around you.
Starting April 8th, you’ll join Anodea Judith and thousands of students worldwide as you explore
each of the 7 chakras in detail, and
how to strengthen and open them with ease.
In just 15-20 minutes a day, you’ll experience profound transformations in key areas of your life as you get to know each of your chakras better and how they relate to your mind, body and spirit.
Over the course , everything from your career success, your sex life, your ability to communicate, and even your connection with a higher power, will be systematically elevated as you learn how to allow your chakras to flow unrestricted.
By the end of the coaching, you’ll be equipped with a toolbox filled with powerful meditations, techniques, and even simple yoga poses that will be available to you to use at any given moment. So you will never feel out of your depth even when you’re faced with life’s biggest challenges!
This is not your typical online course:
♥ It runs for 35 consecutive days starting April 8th:
Which means each lesson is revealed on a daily basis;
Each lesson is short & digestible (so you can still learn & grow even on your busiest days). You’ll spend around 15-20 minutes daily on balancing your chakras.
♥ There will be 5 LIVE GROUP COACHING CALLS with Anodea Judith. You'll have the opportunity to
connect with the Anodea herself, and
address any questions you have about your chakras.
This is the perfect way to go deeper in understanding your bioenergetic ecosystem, and experience intimate LIVE coaching with Anodea herself (which usually costs $3000 an hour, with a months-long waiting list). This opportunity is available only for this April intake.
♥ You’ll be part of an exclusive online community where you'll be connected to all the students. When you have a support of like-minded people, your transformation is much more effective. Here you can ask questions, share your successes, connect with others...
♥ You can access it through any mobile phone, device, or tablet. So you can take it on the go if you like!
♥ 10-day money back guarantee - from the start day of the coaching (April 8th!)
♥ The opportunity to get a Completion Certificate. If you are an energy healer or a therapist this is an awesome opportunity for you - as you've learnt so far, Anodea is one of foremost experts in merging Eastern healing modalities like the Chakras with modern Western psychology practices.
Week 1: Root Chakra & Sacral Chakra (April 8 – April 14)
Exploration into your personal chakra system begins with the first two chakras:
The Root Chakra (responsible for your sense of security and ability to attract abundance) and
The Sacral Chakra (impacts your love life, levels of intimacy, and passion).
Highlights include:
How to transmute fear into healing: learn to harvest to charge of fear for greater aliveness so you can live life with more confidence and freedom.
Bioenergetic Grounding Movements: use these simple movements to rapidly charge (or discharge) your Root Chakra to feel more balanced throughout the day.
Dissolving guilt: remove the blocks preventing you from fully experiencing deep pleasure, and start infusing your life with healthy sexuality and emotions.
How to embrace the fluidity of the Sacral Chakra and deepen your connection with your loved one by allowing yourself to be more vulnerable and open.
Week 2: Solar Plexus Chakra & Heart Chakra (April 15 – April 21)
As you ascend up your energetic ecosystem, dive deep into the two chakras that influence your personal power and the strength of your relationships:
The Solar Plexus Chakra and
The Heart Chakra.
Highlights include:
Energetically heal childhood shame: reclaim your sense of personal power to empower your ability to change any area of your life for the better.
The Live with Integrity exercise: strengthen your Solar Plexus Chakra to recreate a new identity around power that inspires rather than diminishes those around you.
How to expand your compassion for yourself and others: open your Heart Chakra and learn how to easily replace judgment with understanding.
Deep breathing techniques: use this powerful technique to let go of unresolved grief and return to a state of self-love and self-care.
Week 3: Throat Chakra & Third Eye Chakra (April 22 – April 28)
This week, you will move into the chakras responsible for the more transcendent aspects of life, as you explore
The Throat Chakra (creative identity and self-expression) and
The Third Eye Chakra (intuition and imagination).
Highlights include:
The 4 most common blocks in the Throat Chakra and how to heal them: discover the liberating gift of clear communication and limitless creativity .
Why speaking your Truth has the capacity to change the world: learn how to unlock your Truth and how to build the courage to speak it.
Surrender to your unconscious mind: develop your Third Eye Chakra so you can elevate your intuition and make decisions that are aligned with your higher calling.
The Stillness Practice: use this practice to break through the illusion of separation and recognize that you are part of a greater whole.
Week 4: Crown Chakra & Reviewing All The Chakras (April 29 – May 6)
Discover the 7th and final chakra that make up our energetic ecosystem, The Crown Chakra, and why strengthening it is the key to ascending to a higher consciousness.
You will also review all the chakras and learn how each integrates into the other.
Highlights include:
How to receive downloads from a higher power: reconnect with the Divine through your Crown Chakra and receive solutions to any of your biggest problems.
The Expanding Awareness Meditation: experience a beautiful and immersive meditation to help you transcend beyond your ego-self and your body.
Reflect, digest & integrate: review all the breakthroughs you’ve made in your journey and celebrate how far you’ve come.
Week 5: Mastering The Downward Manifesting Current (May 7 – May 13)
Up to this point, you’ve ascended up through your personal chakra system from your Root to your Crown to reach a higher level of consciousness. This week, you will travel back down and use this current to become a master manifestor.
Highlights include:
A step-by-step process of activating your chakras for rapid manifesting: systematically move down the chakras to bring your biggest goal into reality.
Committing to your intention: take the bold step to setting a timeline of when you wish your vision to be birthed into the world.
BONUSES: 5x Live Group Coaching Calls With Anodea Judith
After each week of the coaching, you will get to join Anodea LIVE for a group coaching call where she'll
address your biggest questions you have about your chakras and
help you overcome any challenges you may be experiencing.
This is the perfect way to go deeper in understanding your bioenergetic ecosystem, and experience intimate LIVE coaching with Anodea herself (which usually costs $3000 an hour, with a months-long waiting list). This opportunity is available only for this April intake.
You will not find this level of personalized guidance from one of the leading authorities on the chakras anywhere else, and access to these LIVE calls are only available for those who enroll for this April intake.
Anodea Judith is one of the world’s leading chakra experts. Her books, lectures, and work has empowered millions of people - and is based on 4 decades of study in a variety of fields such as
clinical psychology,
yoga, and
mystic spirituality.
So know that this chakra coaching is one of the highest quality programs you can ever invest in.
Which means this: if you go through the program and utilize the tools, you will see results.
That being said, if you aren't completely blown away by the course you'll get a 100% refund. You do not have to make a commitment until you've fully tried this out for 10 days. Try at least one lesson and then decide.
You wake up one morning and it seems like it’s just another typical day.
Except it’s not. It feels different.
From the moment you open your eyes, there’s an invigorating surge of energy that flows right through you and instantly, you’re motivated and driven to start the day.
Because recently, you’ve been absolutely rocking it at work.
Your productivity, your focus, your creativity — are all at an all-time high.
But it gets better…
Your outstanding performance is not going unnoticed.
And you’re being rewarded very handsomely for it.
All because your Root Chakra that influences your money mindset and career, is flowing the way it’s supposed to.
Even the way you carry yourself has changed as well.
Shoulders back. Head held high.
There’s an aura of confidence around you that can’t help but attracts the attention of your co-workers.
In fact, you’re now the person people trust to go to for advice — both in their professional and personal lives.
This is what happens when your Solar Plexus Chakra, which is responsible for your personal power and self-esteem, and your Heart Chakra, the chakra of love and relationships — are radiant and healthy.
But your “wins” in your professional life are also beginning to spill into your personal life.
Opening up to your partner now seems effortless.
Where you use to struggle to express your deepest emotions and desires, now comes second nature to you because there’s an unshakable trust between you.
You speak clearly. You’re listened to attentively.
And your passion for one another burns more intensely than it ever has.
Then there’s your sex life.
Oh, wow. It’s everything you’ve ever fantasized about and more.
Hours of deep, intimate connection that always crescendos into an explosive, full-body, toe-curling orgasm.
Simply because your Throat Chakra that governs your “true voice,” and your Sacral Chakra, the chakra of sexuality and pleasure, are open, strong and balanced.
For most people, a day like this may seem like one of those exceptionally rare days where everything just so happens to work out.
But not for you. A day this good is NORMAL. It’s just how extraordinary life can become when you’re so fully aligned with your chakras.
This is precisely the sort of transformation you can expect when you take Anodea Judith’s Chakra Healing course>>.
Everything is energy.
You cannot control what’s outside you, but you can control what’s inside you – your energy.
If you want to learn how to balance your energy with chakras so that you start experience the natural flow of love, wealth, vitality and meaning in your life, enroll in The Chakra Healing Coaching Program HERE>>
If you’re ready to take the exciting leap into your own energetic ecosystem, and learn how you can influence each and every one of your 7 chakras to heal, manifest, and live your greatest life, then you can experience The Chakra Healing HERE>>
Keep smiling and here's wishing you have a wonderful day filled with smiles and hugs and kisses and all things nice! ♥
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