These are the findings of a study by a team of researchers, led by drs. Gary Null, PhD and Carolyn Dean:
An estimated 9 million Americans are unnecessarily hospitalized every year.
About 750,000 deaths occur in the United States alone as a direct result of poor medical care.
Every year, 20 million unnecessary prescriptions are written for antibiotics to treat minor VIRAL infections.
Based on the study, there is no wonder that more and more people are looking for other ways of healing.
More and more people are becoming aware of the fact that Western Medicine alone cannot heal them effectively – especially because it doesn’t heal the real cause of illnesses.
THAT’S WHY ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE MODALITIES ARE BECOMING SO POPULAR THESE DAYS. The main reason why is it so lays in their effectiveness!
Focus of the alternative medicine is on CLEARING ENERGY BLOCKS THAT ARE CREATING DISEASES IN OUR BODIES! When is energy pure it can flow effortlessly and NATURALLY!
Blocked energy shows itself as illnesses and diseases – every time, NO EXCEPTION!
4 Powerful Practical Ways to Bring Energy Medicine Into Your Everyday Life
by Donna Eden and David Feinstein
In this teaching, you'll learn 4 simple techniques to tap into your hidden reserves of life energy.
Now we know that everything is energy. But how do we apply this in our lives?
In this teaching, you'll experience an eye opening demonstration where you’ll witness firsthand how energy actually runs our reality and walk away with at least 4 different energy medicine techniques!
With these simple techniques, you’ll heal, restore, and revitalize yourself naturally:
ENERGY TEST (before applying any of the techniques)
TOOL 1: Re-energizing yourself - Overcome an afternoon slump with an instant Energy Medicine technique. It takes less than 30 seconds, and you’ll instantly feel better EVERYtime you do it.
TOOL 2: Conquering stress - Conquer stressful situations with 2 fun energetic shortcuts. Anyone can do this. You don’t have to be a healer.
TOOL 3: Using energy to test food - Choose the right food with just Energy. Learn this unusual energetic testing exercise that’ll show you what to eat and what not.
TOOL 4: Grounding yourself by using a stainless steel spoon for grounding yourself and relaxing all the nerves on your spine - Heal yourself using a simple kitchen utensil. The spoon hooks to the energies in your nerves, we are electromagnetic and it just hooks up. If you spoon your spine or soles of your feet before you go to the bed, you’ll sleep a lot better! It can’t get any simpler than that! It could be surprisingly hard to dismiss the power of energy medicine after you watch this.
The tools are explained at 28:42.
Energy Medicine is the type of the alternative medicine that has seen tremendous growth.
It is the science and art of optimizing your energies to help your body and mind function at their best.
People got used to just take pills for headaches and when they don’t feel well. But the problem with that is that the more you take a medicine, the more your body begins to rely on it, and the more your body relies on medication, the more it forgets how to heal itself.
It knows how but those medicines get in the way. They are in some ways a side effect of your natural healing ability. It’s not that the Energy Medicine replaces the Western medicine, but when you bring the energies of the body in to meet with the understanding of physiology, you have a combination that really gets to the heart of illness and healing.
Donna Eden & David Feinstein

Energy Medicine is about how you can take back control of your health and wellness by learning to work with energy. You can use it to:
Lessen aches, pains, illness, and disease
Create deeper happiness, satisfaction, and contentment
Increase focus, clarity, and productivity
Renew balance, harmony, and well-being
Improve overall health and longevity
All it takes is a few simple non-invasive hand gestures!
Donna Eden is a gifted healer. That gift is the rare ability to see the body’s 9 energy systems:
1. Meridians
2. Chakras
3. Aura
4. Radiant Circuits
5. Triple Warmer
6. Celtic Weave
7. Five Rhythms
8. Electrics
9. Basic Grid
Using her clairvoyant-like ability to see 9 different bodily energy systems, she has developed a simple, scientific framework for teaching others, who do not have this gift, to nonetheless work effectively with their own energies.
Donna never used these gifts until her late 20s. At the age of 27, She was suffering from Multiple Sclerosis and could not move her muscles. She was told by 5 medical experts that she was going to die. This was when she started to take matters into her own hands, and began experimenting with her body’s energies. She discovered that she can manipulate these energy systems, and slowly started to heal herself.
For the past 40 years, Donna has been relentlessly proclaiming, teaching, and demonstrating that our body is nothing but a collection of energy systems and that there are scientific means to naturally reclaim our health and vitality. Donna shares her experiences with Energy Medicine in many of her books including the New York Times Bestseller: "The Energies of Love".
Today Donna is the leading proponent of Energy Medicine in America, and together with her husband David Feinstein, Ph.D. (pioneer in Energy Psychology), they run the worlds largest Energy Medicine school. They have trained more than 100,000 students (including physicians, nurses, and other mainstream health professionals).
Energy Medicine: The Secrets of a Master Practitioner by Donna Eden and David Feinstein
Download the workbook HERE>> (ENGLISH)
Скачать рабочую тетрадь>> (RUSSIAN)
In this teaching, you'll experience an eye opening demonstration where you’ll witness firsthand how energy actually runs our reality and walk away with at least 4 different energy medicine techniques!
With these simple techniques, you’ll heal, restore, and revitalize yourself naturally:
ENERGY TEST (before applying any of the techniques)
TOOL 1: Re-energizing yourself - Overcome an afternoon slump with an instant Energy Medicine technique. It takes less than 30 seconds, and you’ll instantly feel better EVERYtime you do it.
TOOL 2: Conquering stress - Conquer stressful situations with 2 fun energetic shortcuts. Anyone can do this. You don’t have to be a healer.
TOOL 3: Using energy to test food - Choose the right food with just Energy. Learn this unusual energetic testing exercise that’ll show you what to eat and what not.
TOOL 4: Grounding yourself by using a stainless steel spoon for grounding yourself and relaxing all the nerves on your spine - Heal yourself using a simple kitchen utensil. The spoon hooks to the energies in your nerves, we are electromagnetic and it just hooks up. If you spoon your spine or soles of your feet before you go to the bed, you’ll sleep a lot better! It can’t get any simpler than that! It could be surprisingly hard to dismiss the power of energy medicine after you watch this.
ENERGY MEDICINE: A Personal Journey To Health And Vitality
To Healing Faster, Living Longer, And Achieving Euphoric Mental & Spiritual Balance
The Energy Medicine program>> is for you if:
You are fascinated by the potential of energy medicine and want to take a step towards mastering its use for healing yourself.
You are tired of the crisis-intervention style traditional medicine and want to take control of your own health by working with your body’s energy systems.
You are looking for ways to compliment your doctor’s medical advice with natural practices of Energy Medicine so you can live longer, enjoy more vitality and experience great mind-body connection.
The Energy Medicine>> framework enables you to
Address biological processes at their energetic foundations and regulate them with precision, speed, and flexibility.
Develop interventions that can be readily, economically, and noninvasively applied.
Empower the patients to do the healing themselves.
Reveal a clear-cut path to turn anyone into an effective student in a short time.
Even let practitioners experience Energy Synesthesia, the joining of senses where a person’s innate energetic sense gets connected to one of their other five existing senses like taste, smell, sight, touch and hearing, enabling that person to perceive energy like Donna does.
This means now everyone can harness the incredible power of Energy Medicine.
You also learn to reduce pain, overcome illnesses, counter the effects of stress, maintain your health, build resilience, experience greater vitality and energy, look and feel much younger, and realize your greater potential (we have additional potentials beyond the five that are very powerful).
The Energy Medicine course>> is designed as an 8-week journey into the labyrinth of your body’s energy to help you
learn the language of your body,
re-balance its energies, and
encourage their free flow to help you live life at your full potential.
There are 9 energy systems that Donna can see. This program teaches you 5 of them:
MERIDIANS – A path through which the life-energy known as "QI" flows
AURA – You'll learn how to strengthen it so that it protects you and hooks you up to other people so that you can read them better.
CHAKRAS – Each chakra is influenced by a certain way of being and has a very particular energy; you’ll learn how to clear them and then to strengthen them and have some of the forces underneath on the other levels come up so that you are empowered.
TRIPLE WARMER – It governs your stress response.
RADIANT CIRCUITS – They are beneath the surface of triple warmer. This is the energy of happiness, joy, freedom, confidence and spontaneity. Your love life gets better, everything gets better because it’s about what’s underneath your stress levels.
The course contains over 50+ tools that Donna and her husband David usually only teach on live workshops across the US.
Here’s how the program>> unfolds week by week:
This 8-week journey is best consumed on a week-to-week basis.
You can expect to spend about an hour each week on interactive video instruction, and 10-20 minutes each day on practicing the energy tools.
You will also learn a variety of energy dances from Donna’s daughter Titanya, who will be guiding you every week in a lively and fun session.
PLUS, you'll be part of an exclusive online community where you'll be connected to all the students. When you have a support of like-minded people, your transformation is much more effective. Here you can ask questions, share your successes, connect with others...
THE ENERGY MEDICINE course is a collection of 8 chapters.
introduction module: WELCOME
This module includes the following sections:
1. INTRODUCTION - Welcome To Energy Medicine - A Personal Journey to Health and Vitality
By the end of this journey, you will have:
Basic understanding and direct experience of your body’s interrelated energy systems, and how to influence these systems to generate self-healing and greater vitality.
Ability to use practical energy methods to reduce pain, overcome illness, counter the effects of stress, maintain health, build resilience, and experience greater vitality.
Ability to use energy methods for realizing your personal potential.
Here are the topics you will be covering in this course:
Chapter 1 - Using Energy Medicine to Fuel Your Vitality
Chapter 2 - Clearing, Grounding, and Balancing Your Energies
Chapter 3 - Relieving Stress with Triple Warmer and Spleen Meridians
Chapter 4 - Using Energy Tests to Make Healthy Choices
Chapter 5 - Working With Pain
Prelude to Chapter 6 - Beginning Your Exploration Of The Chakra's
Chapter 6 - The Chakras
Chapter 7 - The Aura - Your Energetic Space Suit
Chapter 8 - Radiant Circuits - The Energies of Vitality & Joy
In this section, you'll study energy medicine through the following material:
Introduction (video) [7:53]
Introduction (audio) [7:52]
Handbook for Welcome Guide (PDF) (7 pages)
It is recommended that you go through this course week by week. You can expect to spend about an hour each week on interactive video instruction, and 10-20 minutes each day on practicing the energy tools. Take your time, consume the content for that week and try to apply it in your everyday life.
There is a small list of items that creators of this program have seen help a lot when doing online courses. And when you follow through, there will be nothing stopping you from getting the results you want.
Here are five key points to remember:
Go all in — commit to finishing the course no matter what.
Trust your teacher, trust the process and take action.
Celebrate all wins, big or small.
If you miss one day, just pick yourself up and continue the next day.
Repeat the entire course at least once.
In this section, you have all the materials you need to download before you embark on this journey:
Glossary (PDF) [13 page]
Meridian Flow Wheel (PDF) [1 page]
Triple Warmer (PDF) [1 page]
Muscle Meridian (PDF) [1 page]
Kidney Meridian (PDF) [1 page]
Stomach Meridian (PDF) [1 page]
Zone Tapping Chart (PDF) [1 page]
Energy Medicine FAQ (PDF) [22 pages]
Also, in this section you'll get the link to the closed FB group (access it HERE) which you can use as a peer-to-peer learning tool. You can:
interact with each other;
ask questions;
share your biggest learning points from the course, experiences, blocks, difficulties;
give feedback on the course;
request clarifications;
post inspirational messages and your successes and any breakthroughs you have during the program with other participants.
Donna is recognized globally as a pioneer and leading authority in Energy Medicine and is among the world’s most sought after, joyous, and effective spokespersons in the field.
Donna’s vibrant ability to teach Energy Medicine is grounded in her ability to see human energy fields; understandings reaped from healing her own severe illnesses, her legendary work as an Energy Medicine Healer, and her commitment to empowering others with practical and interactive Energy Medicine self-care tools.
Donna’s best-selling classic, Energy Medicine (First published in 1998), is the textbook in hundreds of healing classes and is available in 20 languages.
David is a clinical psychologist whose innovative therapeutic approaches have been recognized with nine national awards for books on consciousness and energy healing.
David and Donna’s latest book, The Energies of Love, achieved best-seller status on the NY Times Relationship List and was named the 2015 U.S.A. Book News 'Best Relationship Book'.
David has served on the faculties of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Antioch College, and the California School of Professional Psychology.
Together, Donna and David have founded one of the country’s foremost Energy Medicine practitioner training programs, and have increased both public recognition and scientific credibility for the Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology fields. Donna and David have devoted their lives to making the simple, practical, and highly effective tools of Energy Medicine available throughout the world. They continue to evolve their teaching, and this Energy Medicine program offers you a unique opportunity to benefit directly from their deep knowledge and experience.
In this section, you'll find all information about the recorded Q&A calls and LIVE Q&A in the future!
This course is designed to go along with handbooks. Please print out the handbook of the module before starting the training. ADVICE: Keep all the workbooks from the program in a binder in order to track progress and for easy access to information and exercises.
You’ll get to hear what your body is telling you and accepting where you are at right now — this is the first step on your pathway to greater vitality. Donna and David will describe the 9 energy systems, and preview the 5 energy systems that you will learn about in forthcoming chapters.
This first chapter introduces you to the practical application of Energy Medicine principles. Donna and David energy test individuals to discover more about the flow of energy through key meridians. Based on the results that you can see, Donna then shows three different ways to activate, strengthen, and rebalance the flow. By the end of this chapter, you will be integrating some of these Energy Medicine techniques in your own Daily Energy Routine.
Highlights of the module:
As you learn your body’s 'energy language', you can become better attuned to its signals and needs.
You can influence the energies that flow through your body to encourage your own health.
Learn how your energies affect the energies of others.
Do short, simple exercises for an immediate energy boost.
A Daily Energy Routine can build your long-term resilience and vitality. As your body learns healthy energy habits, you are less likely to fall prey to negativity and depression.
Exercises for the week:
Trace Stomach meridian
Tapping the K-27 points
Tapping stomach points
Wayne Cook Posture and Alternative
The Daily Energy Routine
Energy Medicine Dance
Daily Energy Routine For The Entire 8 Weeks:
This routine is the key exercise that you will be practicing everyday throughout the 8 weeks to break the barriers between you and the healthy balance of energies that fuels your vitality and potential. This routine includes the following exercises:
The Crossover Shoulder Pull
The Four Thumps
The Cross Crawl
The Wayne Cook Posture and Alternative
The Crown Pull
The Neurolymphatic Clearing
The Zip-up
The Hook-up
This module includes the following sections:
Energy Medicine recognizes energy as a vital, living, moving force that determines much about health and happiness. Through storytelling and live demonstrations, Donna and David teach you how to:
Sense your body’s signals of ease and distress.
Detect the flow of energy through specific pathways.
Clear energy blocks for fuller flow, health, and vitality.
Recognize your own energy and how it affects other people.
In this section, you'll study energy medicine through the following material:
Energy Medicine for Health & Vitality (video) [1:20:34]
Energy Medicine for Health & Vitality (audio) [1:20:06]
Handbook for Chapter 1 (PDF) [23 pages]
2. Q & A
In this section, Donna and David are answering questions from the live audience:
Q & A (video) [16:17]
Q & A (audio) [16:06]
The Energy Medicine Dance helps you move your energy and ground yourself. It is a unique tool designed to release stress from your body.
Titanya (Donna's daughter) guides you through this process. Relax and enjoy the dance!
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Energy Dance (video) [11:04]
Energy Dance (audio) [10:58]
In this section, Donna and David answer the following frequently asked questions from the first live session and present new techniques and tools for you to turn what you just learned into everyday results:
Can you please speak more about working specifically with anxiety and body fatigue, low energy levels? How would a proper routine to deal with this look like?
How do you best deal with "brain fog". Not just a feeling of being tired but a feeling of being "out of it" and lacking mental acuity?
Are the same exercises presented in the course good for children? I would like to know the most effective energy exercises for kids. In general for feeling more calm, focused, concentrated.
I want to practice these beginning techniques on my teenaged child. Will my ability to do the techniques successfully be negatively impacted by my fear that he will be a "non-believer"?
Is there any exercise that can be added to the daily routine that works to heal self-esteem issues in children and adults? Specifically with the feeling of "I am not good at anything", or the self-doubt of not being lovable.
Are there any "wrong" moves to be aware of? For example, how precise do we have to be in the location of the tapping points?
Can this type of energy medicine work on pets as well? If yes, how would that work?
How do you see computers, cell phones, microwaves and electric appliances affecting our energies and our health? Is there something we can do after using an electronic device that would help restore our energy? Are there devices we should absolutely avoid?
Is there a way to test ourselves for weaknesses like you were testing the people in the audience in the first class?
I know we can practice food testing, but I'd like to know if there are general food energy guidelines for healing and optimal health.
Is there something you can recommend for procrastination?
What does shifting energy feel like? What are some common sensations in the body?
Can you overdue this energy work? Like tracing your meridians, doing the exercises?
When I tested a friend with the cross and straight lines patterns, she tested equally strong on both. What does that mean? When testing, does the person doing the testing have an intention of what is being tested, or how do you know what you are testing?
What effect is there between what we eat and our energy, if any?
Is it possible that the daily energy routine can invoke a temporary 'healing crisis' - e.g. headaches, aches, feeling toxic? What is the best energy routine for stress and anxiety?
How do you pass this energy on to another loved one that needs it but is not around you?
How many times do you recommend to practice the Daily Routine?
How do I know if I am doing these practices/techniques right? Is there something bad that can happen if I do not do the techniques precisely as shown?
Is it OK to do the Daily Energy Routine more than once a day and does it need to be at the same time of day? I prefer morning as it seems energizing, but I often need a boost in afternoon. What would you suggest for a mid-afternoon boost (when I am at work) and an evening relaxation before sleep?
I’m a family caregiver to my Mom who has dementia. What techniques can I use to protect my energy field from the violence she puts out or how can I clear energy that belongs to others?
Is there an 'in the moment' strategy for deflecting negative energy when others throw things off balance? I would imagine this would involve a quick set up to simultaneously 1. defuse triggering; 2. bypass old ways of responding; 3. give back the negative vibes to its rightful owner.
Is there anyway to quickly raise your immune system, when you have a cold for instance?
I have a question about your energy testing: do you hold an intention of what 'energy' you are assessing? In this way you are checking if that particular meridian or energy is weak or strong?
I've been experiencing headaches since starting the daily energy routine. Any ideas about what triggered this?
I have a meditation practice. Should I meditate or do the Daily Energy Routine first thing in the morning? Does this energy practice interfere with other practices?
How would caffeine or alcohol effect energy work?
When energy testing, does it matter which arm you use, dominant or non-dominant?
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call (video) [1:25:36]
Q&A Coaching Call (audio) [1:25:14]
Energy Medicine techniques can help you counteract the effects of stress, build resilience, and open up to the positive energies of what you want to bring into your life.
In this module, you will learn several very effective ways to achieve the following results:
Clearing your energetic pathways;
Grounding yourself; and
Freeing your system of toxins.
This will enable you
To take in nurturing energies from the Earth,
To receive the energies of the Heaven, and
To center yourself in this invigorating flow.
Highlights of the module:
Learn more about how the Daily Energy Routine builds physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance.
Practice techniques to clear energy blocks and release excess energies or toxins.
Use short, simple exercises to center and calm yourself energetically.
How to ground your energies, and align them with the magnetic field and supportive energies of the Earth.
How to recognize and correct a homolateral energy pattern that can sap your health, productivity, and joy.
Exercises for the week:
The Daily Energy Routine
Holding Neurovascular reflex points
The Blow Out
Spoon Your Feet
Smooth Energy Down Your Legs
Homolateral Repatterning
Connecting Heaven and Earth
Energy Medicine Dance
This module includes the following sections:
Our bodies and our psyches are challenged constantly by unnatural environmental energies, additives in the foods we eat, and even other people’s negativity. All these things throw our energies off, and then we are more susceptible to illness and depression and confused thinking. Clearing, centering, and grounding our energies regularly can prevent this, or reduce negative impacts on our minds, bodies, and spirits. Through storytelling and live demonstrations, Donna and David teach you how to:
Practice in order to center and calm yourself energetically, reinforcing vitality, mental clarity, and emotional balance.
Clear pathways that enable your body to take in nurturing energies, and to connect its energies to the magnetic field of the Earth.
Access and connect the energies of Heaven and Earth in your body fuels inspiration and personal potential.
In this section, you'll study energy medicine through the following material:
Clearing, Centering, and Grounding Your Energies (video) [58:27]
Clearing, Centering, and Grounding Your Energies (audio) [58:20]
Handbook for Chapter 2 (PDF) [15 pages]
2. Q & A
In this section, Donna and David are answering questions from the live audience:
Q & A (video) [8:53]
Q & A (audio) [8:52]
The Energy Medicine Dance helps you move your energy and ground yourself. It is a unique tool designed to release stress from your body.
Titanya (Donna's daughter) guides you through this process. Relax and enjoy the dance!
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Energy Dance (video) [8:44]
Energy Dance (audio) [8:43]
In this section, you'll find answers to the following frequently asked questions:
What illnesses or conditions can be healed through energy healing?
Donna often shows us how she can make someone "weak". Can we inadvertently do this to ourselves?
How do I self-test my energy and prove that it's working for my healing?
I have been doing the Daily Energy Routine for about 30 days. There are days I feel great and then there are days where my emotions are just running ragged. Sometimes calming Triple Warmer help but not all the time. What can you suggest as an exercise to get my emotions under control?
You said that energy blockages in organs can exist a while before an illness develops. If we don't have any known illness or pain but want to do a general wellness check to see if there are any areas that could become trouble in the future, how could we do that to better do a preventative treatment?
How do I know when my energy is off to help someone else to fix their energy?
I’m not sure what is happening when I test for Cross Over and Homolateral and they are both strong.
Can we do all the exercises with a pregnant woman? Or there are some of them that we must be careful?
How to energy test foods and supplements if you do not have a partner to participate? When food testing, does it matter if the food is packaged in some sort of container? For example, milk in a carton or glass?
Can this modality of Energy Healing be incorporated into other holistic healing techniques such as Reiki and Prana?
You mentioned that little kids and pets are receptive to Energy Medicine. You also emphasize on breathing in through the nose and breathing out through the mouth throughout the exercise routine to keep the energy flowing. How do we make a baby, little kid or a pet to follow the breath-in breath-out technique?
Would it be ok to use elements and exercises of this course for own courses, e.g. online courses?
Do you have any bulletproof technique for empaths? How to stop absorbing other people energy? Any tips on how to disentangle from his energy?
Is there a particular energy routine to be done in a particular season of the year as I know my energy levels differ depending on which season it is. Does that still encompass the daily energy routine?
How do I know when I need to do grounding?
What suggestions can you provide to someone struggling with overall low energy levels?
Can you show us once again in details how to do all the meridians?
Are there any techniques for improving sleep?
What is the difference between energy testing and muscle testing someone?
How often can you do the daily energy in a day?
If we remove someone’s pain do we need to clear ourselves?
Can one do Energy Routine if down with a sore throat, cold and cough?
In the Daily Energy Routine, I noticed that Donna and David have not been doing the connecting Heaven and Earth like they do on some of the YouTube videos. Is that just to keep the routine short?
Should I do my daily energy routine before or after my meditation practice?
If someone is quite ill, do we need to be careful of trying to help them with Energy Medicine when we are beginners in this that what we do might harm them?
How is the skeleton supported by the systems we are learning?
Is there a sequence that would be best in relation to working specifically on triple warmers other than or in addition to the daily routine?
When I work on my energy and then sit to relax or meditate things start spinning. What does that mean?
Is there a problem jumping around. If I'm in pain can I go to the module on pain or do I need all the ones in between?
In Module 1, Donna showed that carrying a purse across your body reduced your energy. Is there a way to carry a purse or knapsack that is not harmful or should you always do a cross crawl after putting your bag down?
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call (video) [49:15]
Q&A Coaching Call (audio) [49:03]
5. Q&A Coaching Call [8 November 2018]
In this session, Energy Medicine Coaches Kelmie and Suzee give detailed answers to your frequently asked questions from the live Q&A call and shares their main techniques for overcoming challenges.
Kelmie & Suzee talk about their experience with Energy Medicine and some of the benefits that they've experienced after practicing it.
Why do we breathe in through the nose and exhale through the mouth?
The handbook states to do the four thumps for 15 seconds at each site, but the demonstration of the DER in the videos show this is done for a shorter duration. Does this matter?
I get bruises when I tap on small intestine reflex points (on the inside of the legs). Am I tapping too hard or is there another reason for this?
Why is the "Triple Warmer" called this way?
How can you affect the energy of those around you? Particularly challenging the energies of unhappy, stressed people.
Kelmie addressee the difference between the official DER protocol and the one done in the Energy Medicine course.
What are the best energy medicine exercises for the following emotions: sadness, anxiety, anger?
Is there an unconscious energy exchange between humans? Can people regularly drain energy from you, like batteries? How do I protect myself?
I find it difficult to be sure I'm finding the right points on my body. For example, Thymus and Spleen. In the demo, Donna had a little difficulty finding the thymus on the young man. How can you tell when you have the right spot?
How precisely do you need to be when you do energy work on yourself? Along those lines, how do you know that you are holding/tapping/massaging the right points if you are not somebody who can feel energy or who doesn't feel anything shifting?
After DER a few days I got pain down on the inside of my right foot. Is this a typical reaction that pain can come up when you start to work with the meridian points and the energy flow. Why?
David mentions some meridians travel up and some down. How do we know what the starting point of a meridian is and therefore know how to trace backward?
Kelmie comments on the sedating and strengthening points.
You say men draw energy from the heavens and women from the earth. Does that mean men should do different exercises for grounding than women?
Are most energy instructors women? If so, is that because women see, feel or intuit energy better?
How can I check if I am homolateral by myself?
Can we visualize the exercises instead of doing them sometimes too?
Could it be harmful to do the Zip Up if you have trapped energies inside?
What is a good exercise for babies to make the baby calmer?
Is there any relationship between homolateral energy patterns and polarity? Does one impact the other?
Is it possible to be too grounded, and if so, how can we unground ourselves a bit? How would you know if you are grounded or not?
Is there such a thing as positive and negative energy or just moving or shifting stuck energies in the body?
In chapter one Donna mentioned that the spleen is very vulnerable to heat. What does that mean?
It seems like there are so many factors that can throw off one's energy when watching the demonstrations. How can we know now if our energy is going off, when it may currently feel "normal" if we've been out of proper energy flow for so long?
What would be your recommendations for those of us who are at the beginning of our learning journey of Energy Medicine?
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call (video) [50:31]
Q&A Coaching Call (audio) [50:31]
This module explores the effects of stress on your energies, mind, body, and spirits.
Highlights of the module:
How the meridian system works to fuel your body and your vitality.
How meridians recharge naturally through the day, and what this cycle of energy flow means to your health.
How Triple Warmer and Spleen meridians act and interact to protect you and respond to stress.
Consequences of Triple Warmer ‘on overdrive’.
Simple, practical exercises to relax Triple Warmer, to strengthen Spleen, and to restore their healthy balance.
Exercises for the week:
The Daily Energy Routine
Triple Warmer Smoothie
Tracing TW Meridian Backwards
Sedating Triple Warmer Meridian
Flushing Spleen Meridian
Tapping Spleen Neurolymphatic Reflex Points
Cross My Heart
Triple Warmer/Spleen Hug
Energy Medicine Dance
This module includes the following sections:
Stress can create a major bump in your road to greater health and vitality.
You'll learn
About the Meridian Flow Wheel, a practical tool for understanding how meridians work as a connected system.
Why maintaining a healthy balance between Triple Warmer and Spleen meridians can prevent or minimize the impact of stress.
Follow along as Donna and David demonstrate a range of Energy Medicine tools to re-balance meridians, reprogram your response to stress, and accelerate your journey to vitality and joy.
Through storytelling and live demonstrations, Donna and David are teaching us the following:
How to understand the daily cycle of energy flow through your Meridians and how this influences your energy balance.
How balancing two very important partner Meridians, Spleen and Triple Warmer, can prevent an overactive stress response.
Simple exercises to relax Triple Warmer, strengthen Spleen, and restore their healthy balance.
Use of Neurovascular points to relax, release the effects of stress, and increase clarity.
In this section, you'll study energy medicine through the following material:
Befriending Triple Warmer & Spleen Meridians to Relieve Stress (video) [57:18]
Befriending Triple Warmer & Spleen Meridians to Relieve Stress (audio) [57:11]
Handbook for Chapter 3 (PDF) [19 pages]
Meridian Flow Wheel (PDF) [1 page]
Triple Warmer (PDF) [1 page]
2. Q & A
In this section, Donna and David are answering questions from the live audience:
Q & A (video) [10:13]
Q & A (audio) [10:11]
The Energy Medicine Dance helps you move your energy and ground yourself. It is a unique tool designed to release stress from your body.
Titanya (Donna's daughter) guides you through this process. Relax and enjoy the dance!
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Energy Dance (video) [4:13]
Energy Dance (audio) [4:13]
4. Q&A COACHING CALL [19 March 2018]
In this section, Energy Medicine coaches give detailed answers to the following frequently asked questions from the live Q&A call and shares their main techniques for overcoming challenges:
I was wondering how does yoga or Qi Gong, or similar practices, go with energy medicine? Can you do yoga right after energy medicine for example?
You said there are times that we need to activate Triple Warmer, like when having an asthma attack, but how to activate Triple Warmer and how to know if it is time to activate it or sedate it?
I’m repeating Module 3, it’s been four weeks, and I’m not finding any relief, I feel tired all the time, and I have digestive and sleep issues. What else can I do?
Is there a right direction for Figure 8's?
I would like to know which Meridians are the most useful to work on to help with sleep.
I have found I have difficulty sleeping after practicing some of this energy work. Are there practices specific to reducing energy and setting conditions for relaxation and deep sleep?
We have learned so many techniques now that I get lost on what we should use and when. Should we do, besides the Daily Energy Routine, strengthening of Spleen and calming of Triple Warmer exercises also? How do we know which one will be effective?
Are there days when the daily energy routine should be avoided? E.g., when having a flue? Or does it always supports you? I am a bit insecure concerning the exercises for Triple Warmer and spleen. Should I do all of them every day to strengthen spleen or do I pick my favorite?
I want to know how I can use what I have learned so far to improve my immune system and metabolism. Have been on a healthy program for months and am stuck not losing weight and am catching colds easily.
Can I press the meridian sedating points or trace the meridians with clothes or shoes on?
How often can you, or is it appropriate to, calm Triple Warmer in a day? Is there something else I could be doing?
Do synthetic clothes block energy?
Triple Warmer Sedating Points. They are not clear to me. Could you please explain again where exactly they are or how to approximately press them? It is hard for me to press both points at the side time.
What sort of magnets, and where do we find magnets that are suitable to be used on the body safely?
When using your palms to test, what is the polarity?
Which of Donna Eden's books supplement this course? In what order do we read the books?
How long do the effects of Energy Medicine exercises last?
What about metal that's in the body such as knee hip replacements? Can this affect the outcome of the exercises?
When working in a room full of computers day after day should I be taking the time to do Figure 8's, or other?
How many different exercises are advised to do each day for this practice?
When doing Energy Medicine for a partner how to make sure what is healed in them is not picked up by the healer?
How would you explain energies to people who are very skeptical but you want to help them? They say it’s only a placebo.
How can you sedate the stomach meridian?
Can the exercises help old injuries?
Can you demonstrate the "Darth Vader" breathing technique?
How long do you do the "Darth Vader" breathing?
Could you please explain more about crossing the eyes?
My daughter deals with depression, but she would never be interested in doing energy medicine. Is there something I can do to help her without her knowing?
Does wearing gold on your body help with energy healing?
Can the Figure 8's Technique work on a blind person?
Can you do the "hook up" for someone else who is feeling dizzy?
What about amputee parts of the body? How do you work with the energy in this case?
Do long fingernails make a difference in tapping?
While doing the "Hook Up" are you pressing directly on the belly button or a little higher?
Is being/working on the higher floor every day affect our grounding?
What is the best thing to use before flying and following a long flight?
Is sickness a response to energy being disturbed?
Can you talk about autoimmune disease and what we can do to heal it?
Can you share your experience working with Energy Medicine?
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call (video) [1:00:07]
Q&A Coaching Call (audio) [59:56]
Energy testing is a tool that can help you find out if a particular food or supplement is in harmony with your body’s energies.
In this module, you will use energy testing to identify foods, supplements, and personal items (like jewelry), that support your health, vitality, and fullest expression of potential. This is going to be fun, as throughout the week you’ll be energy testing – sometimes turning your body into a dowsing rod – to learn what works for YOU, and help keep your body’s energies in balance.
Highlights of the module:
Energy meridian testing is a highly informative biofeedback mechanism that can show the flow and current function of your body’s energies.
How you or another person can prepare for and conduct tests of your energies (several techniques are available to you).
How to test the flow of your energies before and after an energy exercise to validate the impact of this work.
How energy tests using Spleen meridian can help you check which foods and supplements support your health (in general and in real time, meal-by-meal).
Self-testing methods to detect your own energetic response to clothing or other items you are considering for purchase.
Exercises for the week:
The Daily Energy Routine
The General Indicator Test
The Spleen Meridian Energy Test
The Pendulum Self Test
Self Test With Weights
Self Test With Leg Press
Valve Reset
Free the Diaphragm
Energy Medicine Dance
This module includes the following sections:
Each person’s energies are as unique as a fingerprint. Energy testing is a tool that can help you find out if a particular food or supplement is in harmony with your body’s energies. You can also test items that you keep close to your body, such as eyeglasses or a piece of jewelry. This can be an invaluable source of information to learn what works for YOU, and help keep your body’s energies in balance.
Through storytelling and live demonstrations, Donna and David teach you the following:
How you or another person can prepare for and conduct tests of your energies (several techniques are available to you).
How to test the flow of your energies before and after an energy exercise to validate the impact of this work.
How energy tests using Spleen meridian can help you check which foods and supplements support your health (in general and in real time, meal-by-meal).
Self-testing methods to detect your own energetic response to clothing or other items you are considering for purchase.
In this section, you'll study energy medicine through the following material:
Using Energy Tests to Make Healthy Choices (video) [51:11]
Using Energy Tests to Make Healthy Choices (audio) [51:05]
Handbook for Chapter 4 (PDF) [20 pages]
2. Q & A
In this section, Donna and David are answering questions from the live audience:
Q & A (video) [8:11]
Q & A (audio) [8:10]
The Energy Medicine Dance helps you move your energy and ground yourself. It is a unique tool designed to release stress from your body.
Titanya (Donna's daughter) guides you through this process. Relax and enjoy the dance!
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Energy Dance (video) [9:38]
Energy Dance (audio) [9:37]
In this section, Energy Medicine coaches give detailed answers to the following frequently asked questions:
What can we do other than the daily routine to keep ourselves centered and focused?
Are the strengthening and sedating points used only when we have pain in the areas on the muscle meridian chart, or are there other applications?
I have been told that as you age, your energy weakens/lessens. Could you please comment on that?
I’ve tried the energy testing that you have done to others on my husband. Some work really well and others don't seem to work at all. Is this just part of the learning curve, or are some just better than others at working on energies?
When we energy test another person and the person tests strongly at the basic body test and spleen meridian test, does that mean the energy systems are all at that moment in balance? And if not how would we determine where and what to test next in order to see overall health status?
It has been over two weeks now that I am practicing the energy medicine that Donna has taught us. I don't feel any different. If anything, I think I might even feel worse. Is this normal? Will I ever be able to feel better or is it possible I am too blocked for the energy medicine to work?
When do you decide to strengthen versus sedate?
Is it okay to use massage instruments to massage pressure points and acupressure points? Or is it necessary to always use our fingers?
How do I test myself for something that has no physical form? For instance, I’m thinking about purchasing an online course. How can I test to make sure this course is the right path for me and aligned with my energies?
Is there a way to self-test using the spleen meridian?
What if you don’t have a friend nearby to test you?
How are the crossover pull and cross crawl different in their benefit?
If you have a cold or flu, is that the time to strengthen the triple warmer, or should the triple warmer be reduced and the spleen increased?
Please elaborate on working with loved ones, it seems like it is a lot harder. What is your opinion?
Does it matter what time of day we work on a specific meridian? Do we align it with the time of day the organ is active or weak?
Should triple warmer always be sedated before doing the daily energy routine?
Does it affect the outcome or accuracy if the person testing you doesn't really believe in energy medicine or all together thinks it's fake or unbelievable?
It's overwhelming how much we need to know. Can you give some advice?
Please talk more about sleep. Last time it was mentioned holding neural, forehead points and grounding. What else can we do to sleep well and deeply all night?
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call (video) [1:00:20]
Q&A Coaching Call (audio) [1:00:06]
5. Q&A COACHING CALL [27 November 2018]
In this session, Energy Medicine Coaches Debra and Susan give detailed answers to your frequently asked questions from the live Q&A call and shares their main techniques for overcoming challenges.
Debra & Susan talk about their experience with Energy Medicine and some of the benefits that they've experienced after practicing it.
Can you expand on the topic of "doing Energy Medicine on babies" - since they cannot do it by themselves? Is it safe? What exercises can be done or cannot be done on babies? Is there a specific pattern to follow [ie. top to bottom, or bottom to top]? What can help the baby to be calmer and develop better?
Do all the exercises need to be initiated on your dominant side or it doesn't matter? Is it safe to spoon on the top of the head or the forehead?
Can most of the exercises be done sitting and does it have the same effect?
How long generally do these exercises "hold" for? The DER is daily, but how frequently should we do the other exercises?
Is Energy Medicine as effective when people take Pharmaceutical Medication? Drugs for depression for example. Is there a better way of quicker healing with Energy Medicine? And how would someone come 'off' their prescription medication? How do techniques help? If one is on medication, how would techniques impact?
Donna mentioned energy techniques could help with depression. Could this be expanded on a bit? Are there exercises that specifically work best?
Are there other possible reasons besides being homolateral that would prevent a person from feeling benefits from energy medicine?
In module 3, Donna stated that she did the spleen flush a lot to clear her allergies. So for allergies (perfumes, cats, hay fever) how often per day should it be done? How much time should there be between each spleen flushing? How many days/weeks does it need to be done?
Can you demonstrate self-energy testing using a jug of water? Can you use this technique (if you don't have a partner) to do general energy testing and meridian testing? Is it only for specific objects like food, jewelry, clothes, etc?
How do you test whether an item of clothing is good for you or not? Do you have to be wearing the item or can you just hold it?
What if it doesn’t work for me with the weight on my hand to do self-testing?
Does our clothing have an impact on our energy body and whether we test weak or strong?
Does the container affect the results of the testing?
Can you use the water jug self-testing method to test meridian flow?
How about self-testing the body organs: liver, spleen, or metabolism?
How do you muscle test yourself if your knees or ankles or others areas are unbalanced?
If your energy is unbalanced does it affect the person you are muscle testing?
What to do in situations when I cannot get a clear answer from a test? For example, I've tested someone being strong walking towards me and also when walking backward.
Are there specific techniques or other energy medicine routines that are useful in supporting the health of our eyes? Which exercise is good to strengthen the eyes? Is there anything that you can recommend that corrects or prevents vision issues?
Where is the neurolymphatic for the liver?
What are some indications that heart meridian might be in excess and is it safe to sedate the heart meridian? How is this done especially since we are told not to trace heart meridian backward?
What is tracing the heart backward so that I know to avoid that mistake?
What if someone has had major or constructive surgery? Will the energy flow still "flow" or if its "pathway" is severed?
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call (video) [53:42]
Q&A Coaching Call (audio) [53:42]
No one is immune to pain. It can be a major barrier on the road to greater health and vitality. It can also be an ally and important messenger. In this module, Donna and David explore how pain relates to the flow of your body’s energies. They also give you a number of very effective Energy Medicine techniques and 'first-aid' tools to relieve or clear pain.
Highlights of the module:
What is pain, and what is it telling you.
How Energy Medicine relieves pain.
Simple Energy Medicine “first aid” tools.
How the mind moves energy and affects pain.
Stretching and pinching muscles to relieve pain.
Tapping, holding, or pressing energy points to move pain out.
Using magnets to relieve pain.
Exercises for the week:
The Daily Energy Routine
Siphoning energy or tracing Figure 8s
Counter-clockwise pain clearing
Breathing out the pain
Stretching and pinching muscles
Zone Tapping
Sedating meridians with acupoints
Headache isometric
Pain Chasing
Using magnets to relieve pain
Energy Medicine Dance
This module includes the following sections:
Through storytelling and live demonstrations, Donna and David teach you the following:
How blocks in the flow of your body’s energies relate to pain.
Energy medicine techniques to reduce or eliminate pain.
In this section, you'll study energy medicine through the following material:
Working With Pain (video) [1:25:09]
Working With Pain (audio) [51:05]
Handbook for Chapter 5 (PDF) [27 pages]
Meridian Flow Wheel (PDF) [1 page]
Triple Warmer (PDF) [1 page]
Muscle Meridian (PDF) [1 page]
Kidney Meridian (PDF) [1 page]
Stomach Meridian (PDF) [1 page]
Zone Tapping Chart (PDF) [1 page]
2. Q & A
In this section, Donna and David are answering questions from the live audience:
Q & A (video) [14:03]
Q & A (audio) [14:01]
The Energy Medicine Dance helps you move your energy and ground yourself. It is a unique tool designed to release stress from your body.
Titanya (Donna's daughter) guides you through this process. Relax and enjoy the dance!
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Energy Dance (video) [8:14]
Energy Dance (audio) [8:12]
4. Q&A COACHING CALL [2 April 2018]
In this section, Energy Medicine coaches give detailed answers to the following frequently asked questions from the live Q&A call and shares their main techniques for overcoming challenges:
I have heard our left side is our "receiving" side and the right side is "sending." Can you speak to this? Does it make a difference which hand, right or left, we lead with when doing energy work?
Donna mentioned surgery causes triple warmer to go nuts, and it's ideal to have someone balance your energies before going for surgery. If it's not an option to have someone else balance energies, how can we best prepare, ourselves on our own to be as balanced as possible before and after surgery?
Where are the Triple Warmer neurovasculars?
Is there a pathway to becoming certified in Energy Medicine? May I practice these techniques with my current clients?
When holding your head with hands to calm Triple Warmer, which hand do you have on the forehead, which on the back of the head ?
Is there any energy technique for stomach issues like indigestion, bloating and pain due to gas?
How can I best relieve fibromyalgia pain and symptoms?
Regarding pain chasing. How do you do it if you live alone? How do I know I've done enough of the protocols for any of the problems talked about in lessons 1-4. You test people to see if they're strong. If not you suggest another protocol. How would I know if I can't test myself?
I've been trying to do energy testing with my husband and cannot get it to work. He's a very fit person, and I can't move his arms. What can be the cause of this? What should I do to prepare myself and the other person before doing energy testing?
When I sedated spleen points during the session to take away soreness in my legs, Donna mentioned that if it did not work, it could be because it is the bladder meridian. I would love if you could show me the points for sedating bladder meridian to test if they work instead.
Is there a resource picturing the meridians?
Can I do the sedating points more than once continuously?
Are there any specific techniques to deal with migraines?
Can we use magnets on our head in case of a headache?
I tried treating the lower back pain with Zone tapping method, but it is not working. DER is surely helping but can you please suggest a better way for getting rid of the lower back pain?
How do we know when to use the zone tapping or the meridian sedating points?
Do the techniques discussed regarding the lower back apply to the mid-back as well?
Have you seen a positive effect on high blood pressure? If so what exercises would work best?
The simple 3-step path you can take with Energy Medicine for almost any situation.
Is there anything that I can do to increase metabolism for weight loss? Which exercises help with weight loss?
Can you use the same tools to work with areas of the body that may be numb, without feeling?
With siphoning do you have to put the left hand on the sore spot? Is it different for left-handed people?
What can you do when you have a very severe allergy attack?
Please tell me why we are to breathe in with mouth closed, tongue on the roof of the mouth and breathe out with mouth open, tongue relaxed. I understand closing the circuit, but why open it?
What is the Energy Medicine book that you recommend?
What can I do to stop or help with a sore throat; get a cold?
Which Energy Medicine tools are especially good for pain in the eyes?
Energy Medicine coaches share their personal experience with practicing Energy Medicine.
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call (video) [1:08:34]
Q&A Coaching Call (audio) [1:08:02]
module 6: THE CHAKRAS
Chakras are spiraling wheels of energy that encode and process physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual experiences. The 7 main Chakras spin in front of the spine from the pubic bone to the top of the head.
Because they store memories, the Chakras can influence your sense of identity and affect your response to current experience. Chakra energies play important physical, psychological, and spiritual roles in supporting health and vitality. Undigested experience (including emotional reactions) can become lodged in specific Chakras and block healthy flow and further growth.
In this module, you will work with the Chakra system to clear deep energetic blocks, release the past, and open your way to a renewed future.
Highlights of the module:
How meridians interact with chakras.
Physical, psychological, and spiritual functions of the chakras.
Primary themes of the major chakras, and how they affect vitality and personal potential.
How do chakra layers work.
Energy testing individual chakras.
Simple methods to clear and recharge the energies of each chakra.
Testing and balancing energetic connections between chakras.
Exercises for the week:
The Daily Energy Routine
Tracing your meridians
Testing individual chakras
Quickie Energy Balance
Clearing and recharging each of the 7 main chakras
Testing and connecting pairs of chakras
Taking Down the Flame
Energy Medicine Dance
This module includes the following sections:
In this module, you will be learning all about the Chakras - the powerful hidden energetic system that you can learn to tap into to enhance your well-being in all areas of life.
In this section, Donna shares the major insights she got from decades of seeing people's Chakras. This Chakra presentation is a prelude to the amazing content the creators of the course have planned for the module 6.
In this section, you will receive a firm foundation for understanding and working with Chakra clearing and balancing before you start the module 6 of the course.
In this section, you'll study energy medicine through the following material:
Beginning Your Exploration Of The Chakras (video) [16:08]
Beginning Your Exploration Of The Chakras (audio) [16:06]
In this section, you will work with the Chakra system to clear deep energetic blocks, release the past, and open your way to a renewed future.
Through storytelling and live demonstrations, Donna and David teach you the following:
Physical, psychological, and spiritual functions of the Chakras in promoting health and vitality.
Primary themes of each of the major Chakras, and how they relate to vitality and personal potential.
Simple methods to clear, balance, and connect your Chakras energetically.
How to energy test your Chakras to check for proper flow and balance.
How to test for energy connection between Chakras.
In this section, you'll study energy medicine through the following material:
The Chakras (video) [1:15:25]
The Chakras (audio) [1:15:16]
Handbook for Chapter 6 (PDF) [24 pages]
3. Q & A
In this section, Donna and David are answering questions from the live audience:
Q & A (video) [14:12]
Q & A (audio) [14:10]
In this section, you'll be also able to download the Meridian Flow Wheel (PDF) [1 page]
The Energy Medicine Dance helps you move your energy and ground yourself. It is a unique tool designed to release stress from your body.
Titanya (Donna's daughter) guides you through this process. Relax and enjoy the dance!
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Energy Dance (video) [5:12]
Energy Dance (audio) [5:11]
In this section, Donna and David give detailed answers to the following frequently asked questions:
Is a regular diagnosis necessary before use energy medicine?
Is there a condition that you should not try Energy Medicine techniques on?
Topic question: What Energy Medicine exercises would you suggest using to solve [insert challenge here]?
What happens when while practicing I’m doing it in a wrong place? Sometimes to me seems like I can’t find the “correct position”.
What is the difference between using our hands for our Chakras, and the crystal?
Can you use the pain techniques to send healing energy to parts of your body or are they for pain only?
How do we clean our Chakras, beginning with the root Chakra?
Do you see Chakras on the back as well as the front of the body? How do we clear the Chakras if the client is lying face down?
If tracing or flushing a particular meridian seems too complex to do to yourself, would sedating that meridian have similar benefits?
Is it safe to flush every meridian daily?
When doing the Figure-8s above organs to get the energy crossed, is the direction of the Figure-8s important?
How can we clear the energies from the room after all the clearing work we do on Chakras and meridians?
Once the Chakra is healed the first time, how often does it need to be re-treated? How long does it stay stable?
I’m working on clearing my sacral Chakra, would a sea salt bath help?
Does Energy Medicine work for people who had an organ removed, e.g. spleen?
When you mention “balancing all the energy systems”, what does that encompass?
What is the earliest age for children to start doing the Daily Energy Routine?
Do you suggest using some kind of electronic tools to analyze Chakra status, before/after healing? Are there any such tools available?
It came to my attention that you shouldn't use magnets on pregnant women. I'm pregnant myself and wondering if working with magnets on a client would affect me. Is there anything else that isn't good for pregnant clients or practitioners?
Is it possible to get a diagnostic over the phone or do you have to be face to face?
Can you send distance energy treatments over Skype?
There are some very negative energy people that are in my area. What do you suggest I do to protect myself, outside of the daily energy routine?
Is there another simple technique or routine that you could do on top of the Daily Energy Routine? For instance something in the afternoon and in the evening.
Could you please give a quick summary on dealing with pain, e.g chronic pain?
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call (video) [56:04]
Q&A Coaching Call (audio) [55:48]
5. Q&A COACHING CALL [6 December 2018]
In this session, Energy Medicine Coaches Julie and Suzee give detailed answers to your frequently asked questions from the live Q&A call and shares their main techniques for overcoming challenges.
Disclaimer: This program does not substitute for the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions by physicians or other qualified healthcare providers. Instead, it is intended to offer information to help participants promote their own health and to cooperate with health care professionals in a mutual quest for optimum well-being.
Julie & Suzee talk about their experience with Energy Medicine and some of the benefits that they've experienced after practicing it.
In this flu season what are your recommendations for using Energy Medicine to boost the immune system or techniques to cure the flu?
Can you give any advice for chronic fatigue?
Please discuss autoimmune. What EM techniques to use? How often should Triple Warmer be sedated, or Spleen flushed in people with autoimmune disorders? What is Triple Warmer backlash?
Which exercises will you recommend for people who went through traumas?
How to relieve migraine pain?
How can Energy Medicine help relieve the painful effects of arthritis?
Can you please recommend exercises for curing tinnitus?
Can you be born with deformed energy systems or can they be damaged in life to the point they don't respond and won't work regardless of what you do?
Is it ever beneficial to do the chakra clearing and balancing (circling) on ourselves?
If I don't have a partner can I clear chakras and/or do pain chasing work by myself? If yes, how?
I have been following EEM for almost a decade to fix intense constant itching and leg swelling. It seems to work very well for a week or two, then suddenly the problem returns usually after another stressful event. How do I keep healing without problems coming back?
How can energy medicine help where someone is in the early stages of dementia, what would be the best things for that?
Do you have any suggestions for lowering high cholesterol?
Can you briefly demonstrate how to clear chakras by myself? How to test ourselves?
Any suggestions for increasing mental focus and productivity?
What would be your recommendations for staying on track, don’t get overwhelmed and getting the most out of this experience?
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call (video) [01:02:48]
Q&A Coaching Call (audio) [01:02:48]
Your aura is a multi-layered 'cloud' of energy that surrounds you and plays an important role in integrating and aligning your energy systems. Your aura serves two major functions:
As your invisible spacesuit, it protects you from energies in the environment that might harm you.
As an antenna, it pulls in resonant energies that support and harmonize all the energies in your body.
Disturbances in your aura can lead to health problems or to simply feeling out of it. These disturbances can be corrected with simple exercises. As you strengthen your shield against harmful influences and your Aura’s ability to take in what you need, you may experience surprising improvements in your physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. A strong Aura promotes and protects your energetic integrity, and can optimize your connection to the Universe around you.
Highlights of the module:
What is the Aura and why is it important.
Aura as space suit — protecting you from harmful energies.
Aura as antenna — connecting you with supportive energies.
Aura as blueprint for your development.
The layers and bands of the Aura.
What happens when the aura is damaged or unhealthy.
How to test and correct a collapsed or detached aura.
Checking and correcting for holes and tears in your aura.
Protecting your energies from the influence of others.
More ways to care for your aura.
Exercises for the week:
The Daily Energy Routine
Test for a collapsed or detached aura
The Butterfly and Reverse Butterfly
The Celtic Weave
Rebuilding the aura with magnets or crystals
Pushing or fluffing your aura
Zip-up Central Meridian
Energy Medicine Dance
This module includes the following sections:
The Aura is the "Space Suit" that connects you to the environment, protects you from harmful energies, and absorbs positive energies that resonate with you.
Through storytelling and live demonstrations, Donna and David teach you the following:
How to deepen your appreciation of the Aura, and explore its role and function.
Demonstrations of simple exercises to repair, maintain, and optimize your energetic connection to the Universe.
How a strong Aura both promotes and protects your energetic integrity.
In this section, you'll study energy medicine through the following material:
The Aura - Your Energetic Space Suit (video) [16:08]
The Aura - Your Energetic Space Suit (audio) [16:06]
Handbook for Chapter 7 (PDF) [24 pages]
2. Q & A
In this section, Donna and David are answering questions from the live audience:
Q & A (video) [8:48]
Q & A (audio) [8:47]
The Energy Medicine Dance helps you move your energy and ground yourself. It is a unique tool designed to release stress from your body.
Titanya (Donna's daughter) guides you through this process. Relax and enjoy the dance!
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Energy Dance (video) [8:45]
Energy Dance (audio) [8:44]
In this section, Donna and David give detailed answers to the following frequently asked questions from the live Q&A call and shares their main techniques for overcoming challenges:
From energy medicine perspective, is there a specific reason for breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth? Can I use nose only or mouth only for in and out breath? Also, why should we take big breathes when we do energy medicine activities?
With the zip up and hook up do we do it only once at the end of the Energy routine or do we have to do it more than once?
Are you able to use Energy Medicine over distance? And, if so, does it work without the person's knowledge?
David’s answer addressing specific health conditions that were asked by students.
I understand that the zip-up helps to keep us from taking on other people's negative energies. Will it help after we have taken on someone's negative energies? If not, what should we do to restore our positive self and energies?
How do I handle a deep energy disparity with my partner? I almost can't be in the same room with him. Either his energy/aura is getting "worse" or mine "better" or both, but it's nearly impossible. I feel deeply incompatible with him yet can't find the power to leave, if that were an option.
Do children have more energy than adults?
Could Donna clarify the anticlockwise direction for healing pain? Both on the front of the body, side of the neck, arms and at the back? Is there any harm if it is the opposite direction accidentally?
I do wonder how to test myself on several things and how do I work on my own Chakras and Aura?
I don't feel any different after doing these energy clearing sessions. Is it possible I am doing them wrong?
How long we should we do energy work for our chakras for the clearing? And how do I know they are all clear and hook up well by myself (when a partner isn't available)?
How can I become more aware of all the energy patterns? What is the best practice for me to increase my awareness?
Would the energy field of tester affect the result of the energy test?
Can you clear your energy without preparing yourself through breathing?
Is it okay to work on the aura on a daily basis? Specifically the butterfly and Celtic weave?
Energies can shift so easily (as you demonstrated wearing a shoulder bag, walking forward or backward). What can be done easily throughout the day to balance?
Wondering what is the difference between flushing and sedating a meridian? As flushing is so much quicker, why would we sedate rather than flush a meridian?
If you are wearing a watch and have electronics with you, does it affect the energies while doing the exercises?
Is it possible to experience a kind of detox symptoms as we release energies?
Does it matter which hand you use in chakra clearing?
Do you think your diet has anything to do with a healthy energy field?
Do you need to work all 7 chakras at a time? Or can you work just on one at a time?
Are there any study materials I can use to enhance my energy testing skills?
If both Wayne Cook postures are too difficult to get into, is there something else you can suggest?
You taught us that we should never sedate Heart Meridian. Is there something else we can do instead?
When doing an exercise such as the Wayne Cook posture does it matter if you start on the right or left side? Or when doing the short version, does it matter if the right hand is over the left or vice versa?
Can you comment on your experience using EFT with clients and how your knowledge and experience with Energy Medicine plays into it?
Since the course I have improved emotionally and mentally: calmer, happier, slower to anger. Lovely. But I feel worse physically; exhaustion sometimes slams me so hard even doing energy work is a challenge. Will the benefits eventually seep into my physical plane or am I doing something wrong?
Since so many of us are living longer, more active lives and putting excessive stress on our joints, what energy exercises would be best to strengthen our joints to facilitate exercise and activity?
Is it necessary to trace the meridians at the specific times and is it fine to keep repeating the same meridian if there is trouble there?
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call (video) [1:12:37]
Q&A Coaching Call (audio) [1:12:19]
Radiant Circuits are subtle energies that produce higher states of happiness, spontaneity, accelerated healing, and the extra energy that fuels exceptional performance and joy.
They are more ancient (in terms of evolution) than the meridians, and are not confined to fixed pathways. Instead, they move instantly where needed with a radiant glow that attracts vital energies from the environment and activates healing from within.
In this module, you’ll learn how to plug into these circuits of divine creation.
Highlights of the module:
The magic of Radiant Circuits.
How Radiant Circuits fuel your energy systems, reinforce health and vitality, connect you to wellsprings of joy, and spark higher experience and growth.
Daily activities and experiences that can activate Radiant Circuits.
Five easy turn-ons: Short and simple exercises that plug you into Radiant Circuits.
The role and function of individual Radiant Circuits.
How to trace Radiant Circuits.
Exercises for the week:
The Daily Energy Routine
Scapula Squeeze
Notice Breath, Soften Belly, Open Heart
Tracing Hearts
Butt in the Air
Smiling Down to Your Soul
Five Easy Turn-Ons
Tracing Radiant Circuits
Heaven Rushing In
Energy Medicine Dance
This module includes the following sections:
Through storytelling and live demonstrations, Donna and David teach you the following:
How the Radiant Circuits fuel your energy systems, respond to the body’s distress calls, and reinforce health and vitality.
How Radiant Circuits connect you to wellsprings of joy, and enable spiritual experience and growth.
Daily activities and experiences that can activate your Radiant Circuits.
Short and simple exercises that can plug you into these circuits.
How to trace Radiant Circuits.
In this section, you'll study energy medicine through the following material:
Radiant Circuits – The Energies Of Vitality & Joy (video) [48:50]
Radiant Circuits – The Energies Of Vitality & Joy (audio) [48:44]
Handbook for Chapter 8 (PDF) [31 pages]
2. Q & A
In this section, Donna and David are answering questions from the live audience:
Q & A (video) [9:05]
Q & A (audio) [9:04]
The Energy Medicine Dance helps you move your energy and ground yourself. It is a unique tool designed to release stress from your body.
Titanya (Donna's daughter) guides you through this process. Relax and enjoy the dance!
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Energy Dance (video) [10:14]
Energy Dance (audio) [10:13]
In this section, Donna and David give detailed answers to the following frequently asked questions from the live Q&A call and shares their main techniques for overcoming challenges:
Every organ is governed by a meridian and if there is an imbalance in a particular organ than there can be a problem in this organ. But what about a problem in the blood and brain? Maybe those are affected by more than just one meridian?
How does a time change (like our recent daylight savings time change) affect the Meridian Flow Wheel times? For example, one day Spleen is 9-11 am and then clock moves forward an hour? How do we adjust?
How subjective or objective seeing energy is? If 10 people are looking at the aura of the same person, how similar are their observations?
How does one know if their aura needs to be expanded or brought in? How does one know if they have become homolateral?
I am treating disabled children who cannot follow instructions. Is there another way to test them?
Could you tell me, if I am doing the DER, radiant circuits and tracing meridians every day, which should I be doing first, second and third? Or does it matter?
What help can you suggest for people experiencing either poor sleep (waking, tossing, turning) and/or waking up and not being able to get back to sleep?
How do I know whether there is an illness present in my energy field before it manifests into my body? E.g. I feel normal today, and then next day I have a cold/fever. Can I do something to the illness within the energy so that it never manifests physically?
How do you know if what you are feeling energetically is good, or needs some energy tool applied to it? For example, I feel a vibration type energy, is that shifting energy and doesn't need any attention, so relax into it, or a sharper pain that might need shifting? How do you know which is which?
David addressing the 150 questions theye’ve received for this session.
If one's Energy Systems are strong and healthy would that override the need to uncover root causes of trauma, phobias, etc.? In other words, if we focus on increasing the smooth flow of energy would it naturally take care of "the story"?
I don't have anyone to energy test me, and energy testing myself doesn't work; everything tests positive, even when I test for my name, the color I'm wearing, or a food that always makes me sick. How can I solve this problem?
If I am doing a chakra clearing on myself, what is the difference between using my hands or using crystals? Is one better than the other?
How do you know whether to flush a meridian or trace it?
Been doing homolateral repatterning with DER diligently for 3 months, sometimes two times a day and feeling depressed and falling apart a lot? Thoughts?
Is it necessary to clear the chakras, etc., on an empty stomach? Does it matter if you just ate?
Is there a more detailed muscle meridian chart? The last session you said that knee pain can be helped by sedating small intestine. I'm not sure I would have thought to try that by looking at the chart provided.
When you live alone and no one to do the spinal flush for you, how can we do it ourselves? Any alternative techniques?
I didn't know it before learning about Energy Medicine but I have always seen energy when I close my eyes. How then do I begin to understand what all of that energy that I see means?
If your liver is burden by taking too many supplements, do we strengthen the liver meridian or do we sedate them?
I'm wondering if you have used energy medicine with children/people with autism? With positive results? Do you have an energy theory or understanding of what causes autism in people?
I notice that neither of you uses glasses? What do you do to strengthen your vision?
I want to know if there is a technique to help with allergies.
David & Donna talk about the next step on your journey to master energy medicine, The Foundations Program. They will answer a few questions about the program.
Can it be possible to take the foundation program online?
How does the life of a teacher look like? Can you share with us an example?
Are there any certification program classes in Australia or in other countries?
Why are the foundation courses so expensive, especially for us Canadians? Yet I also appreciate all the knowledge you have given us.
Do you (Donna & David) still run Foundational Courses yourselves that are available?
Do you think you'll ever have more places in the United Staes besides Arizona where the second year is taught?
What do you suggest for further education if we are unable to complete a Foundation Programme?
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call Part 1 (video) [1:24:43]
Q&A Coaching Call Part 1 (audio) [1:24:31]
In this section, the Energy Medicine coaches give detailed answers to the following frequently asked questions from the group coaching call:
I'm noticing an increase in my energy and vitality by using the Daily Energy Routine, but I'm finding that I still have a high energy day followed by a lower energy day. Any thoughts on what's causing this and how to address it?
When do we need help with doing Energy Medicine? I thoroughly believe in Energy Medicine. But how do I get successful with Energy Medicine? What should I expect from myself, a practitioner, your books, your methods?
For a person who is very fragile and cannot do these practices for themselves, what can we do for them (to them) to help them feel better, more hopeful, and less negative?
When I first started doing the DER, I felt great. As I've added new pieces I don't feel the same boost. Also, I have been getting sick a lot (which is unusual). Is it possible to suffer setbacks as you go deeper into the practice?
We've learn a lot of practices and exercises in this course. That is great but it also tends to feel a bit overwhelming. What are some exercises that should be part of our regular day to day practice? How will a day in the life of an EM student look like?
What is your suggestion for protecting our energies from the influence of others?
What do you think are the blocks that prevent people from trying Energy Medicine? What helps them overcome those blocks? What would be essential to be/do/have in order to start Energy Medicine?
How do you introduce the basic concept of energy medicine to new people who are not aware of how energy works?
Can you please show again how we can trace the Radiant Circuits? I want to see if I understand it properly.
What should we expect when we go to an Energy Medicine practitioner? What should be a proper outcome of the visit? I don't want to set wrong expectations. What would be the characteristics of a good Energy Medicine practitioner that I should look out for?
In the Aura exercise, how do we know who will need aura fluffing (to build the Aura in front and back) and who will need butterflies (or exercises for building Aura sideways)?
If we trace a meridian in the wrong way will it affect the body energy?
I cannot see Auras so I have wondered, for people who can see auras, can you see them in photos and can diagnose that way?
Can you tell me where the central and the governing meridian are?
Could you give a deeper explanation for why we should breathe in through the nose and out the mouth, what kind of circle/circuit is activated there?
How to continue practicing and stay motivated if we want to turn this into a habit?
How to improve? What to study/read/learn next that could build upon/add value to what we already learned?
What are the immediate next steps that we can take now that the journey has ended?
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call Part 2 (video) [59:22]
Q&A Coaching Call Part 2 (audio) [59:10]
6. Q&A COACHING CALL [23 April 2018]
In this session, Energy Medicine Coaches Kelmie & Suzee give detailed answers to your frequently asked questions from the live Q&A call and shares their main techniques for overcoming challenges.
Can I use Energy Medicine on my baby?
Is there a way to protect our aura on the spot in case some undesirable energies show up from a person we just met?
There are several ways to care for our aura in the course. Where do you suggest we start when working with our Aura for the first time? What is your preferred method, the one you use the most?
Can we learn to see our Auras or other people's Auras? If yes, how?
Many years ago I had my spleen removed due to cancer. Should I still do the tapping and daily routine?
Are there points to help with regulating blood pressure to return to a normal level?
Can you show us how you do a test for the connection between 2 chakras and how would one go about strengthening the connection if it's weak?
How often do you do the radiant circuits until you feel joy? What if it never comes and/or my smiles are fake?
What are the biggest wastes of time that you've seen that people are putting a constant effort in when learning EM? Is there something that they focus on but shouldn't?
If you had to start learning about EM now, how would you go about it? What would your steps be to make sure you'll master it?
When is tracing meridians better than doing the radiant circuits?
What causes your energy field or Aura to have gaps or holes in it?
What techniques can we use for weight loss?
What is a good exercise to help my kid when he feels frustrated or angry? What can he do when he feels scared?
What do you recommend for non-stop anxiety and adrenals that are stuck on "full throttle"?
Is there any energy exercise that is good to protect our eyes/prevent eye diseases/strengthen vision especially when we, in modern days are exposed to all the radiation from electronic devices?
What if your adrenals are depleted?
What exactly is a long hook-up? Where are the points?
Is there a different test for testing the chakras? I have a friend who hurt their arms and can't hold them up together?
How can I test my own chakras?
For the chakra routine, if I do it on myself, can I work on just one chakra? Or do I need to work on them all?
How do all these energies "rank" in helping the energy flow, strengthening the energy? [meridians, chakras, aura, radian circuits, DER]
What do you suggest for short-term memory loss?
For the Celtic Weave, do we have to sync the breathing with the moves like what we did for Heaven and Earth?
When you trace meridians, do you do them all forwards and in order? Or can you do Triple Warmer backwards?
How can I tell if my chakras need working on? I am looking for specific ideas, not do what feels good to you.
Is there a technique to use for "bad" feet - weak, painful feet?
Can I clear the chakras with a crystal? My arms get too sore to do them on myself. How would I do that?
I have this chronic cough for years now. since I started this course practicing no relief yet. Any suggestion what point/exercise should I focus on?
How can you best treat skin ailments (psoriasis, acne, eczema)?
I find I have to be especially careful with small and large intestine. Should I still do these every day?
What do you suggest for sinus infection?
What can be done for Fibromyalgia?
How long will the Facebook support be active? Will the Facebook admins still be helping us with our questions?
How to continue practicing and stay motivated when the course ends?
How to improve? What to study/read/learn next that could build upon/add value to what we already learned?
What are the immediate next steps that we can take at the end of the course?
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call Part 2 (video) [57:02]
Q&A Coaching Call Part 2 (audio) [56:51]
7. Q&A COACHING CALL [20 December 2018]
In this session, Energy Medicine Coaches Kelmie and Debra give detailed answers to your frequently asked questions from the live Q&A call and shares their main techniques for overcoming challenges.
What is the daily activity that you personally would use or what is the one that you recommend the most to activate the Radiant Circuits?
Which Energy Medicine exercises could we use for protecting ourselves if we are exposed to things in physical environments, which are not healthy for us? E.g. bad indoor climate, mold, chemicals etc. Could be in our home or at our workplace. Places where we spend several hours each day.
What do you think is the single biggest mistake people do when starting to work with Energy Medicine and how to avoid it?
What is the grade and strength of the magnets that Donna uses as there is a wide variety? What do you recommend as the most useful ones?
About magnets, how do you know which side is positive and which is negative?
What is the polarity of the hands? Can you explain how to use the top or bottom of the hand?
Can Energy Medicine help with solving addictions, like cigarettes for example? Is yes, then what do you suggest?
What is the temporal tap?
If your hands are always cold (poor circulation), do you still have enough electromagnetic energy to do energy work?
You mentioned using forks, do they need to be stainless steel?
Do you have to trace your meridians each time you clear someone’s chakra? What if I want to work on more than 2 people in one day? Would I need to trace my meridians before each person?
I haven’t seen a straight answer on whether it matters if you are left handed on any of the exercises? Does anything change?
Can energy testing be used to decide what activity (dancing, walking, watching TV, etc) is best for you at this particular time?
Donna mentioned that some people hear aura. I have tinnitus and find that the sound changes and gets louder or quieter. Can this be a form of energy perception?
Can you please explain techniques for vertigo, dizziness?
Can energy medicine address procrastination, focus and ADD?
When doing "lots of little figure 8's" can you do it with both hands on either side of the body? For example, one hand by each ear, doing figure 8's? If so, should the direction of figure 8's mirror each other, or does it matter which way they go?
Can a body pierce on a strengthening or sedating point inadvertently be affecting your meridians?
I cannot use longtime any technology. My hands got very hot. What can I do?
I read that an iron rod under your bed can help ground you at night. Is this true?
[Concerning the answer to the previous question] If it was you, how would you do the testing?
What to do for iron deficiency?
How do we know if Aura has holes or tears? Is there a test for this?
Do you become more vulnerable to other peoples’ energies if you start doing energy work on yourself a lot, and if so, how best can you protect yourself?
Any suggestions for dry eyes?
Can we change the energy in our home, if it has bad energy?
How can I test myself if I can’t get out of homolateral? Or will the water jug test work even if I’m homolateral?
Some people I tried to test always come strong, even with the homolateral tests. why is that?
Do Energy Medicine practitioners use a pendulum?
Can someone explain what is going on/what it means when you have frozen polarities?
Knowing what you know now, what is the best single advice you would give yourself at the start of your Energy Medicine practice?
What do you suggest we do to make sure we stick with the Energy Medicine practice even after the course ends?
What are the next books or classes I should do to continue my Energy Medicine journey? I want to learn it all and eventually start a practice.
In this section, you'll find the following material:
Q&A Coaching Call Part 2 (video) [50:22]
Q&A Coaching Call Part 2 (audio) [50:22]
Set of 8 illustrated handbooks with detailed instructions for every Energy Medicine technique described in the course
pre-recorded Q&A coaching calls with Donna and David, and their team
For the past 40 years, Donna has been relentlessly proclaiming, teaching, and demonstrating that our body is nothing but a collection of energy systems and that there are scientific means to naturally reclaim our health and vitality.
Today Donna is the leading proponent of Energy Medicine in America, and together with her husband David Feinstein, Ph.D. (pioneer in Energy Psychology), they run the worlds largest Energy Medicine school. They have trained more than 100,000 students (including physicians, nurses, and other mainstream health professionals).
When you ENROLL IN THIS COURSE>>, you're giving yourself the gift of health and vitality that very few people are even aware that they can have. Because most people accept that aging means disease and low energy. But it doesn't have to be that way!
When you're doubtful about your own health, try this>> at your home.
Maybe it will save your health and life.
Keep smiling and here's wishing you have a wonderful day filled with smiles and hugs and kisses and all things nice! ♥
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