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when you least expect it, the sun rises


Learning to Trust Your Intuition Is the Key to Thriving

How Can Intuition Help You in Manifesting Your Dreams_Tune In Home Training Program by Sonia Choquette_ Tune In Review_Positive Intuition by Sonia Choquette_The Answer Is Simple by Sonia Choquette_Meditations for Intuitive Guidance by Sonia Choquette_Learn How to Trust Your Intuition and Instincts_Intuition Is the Most Important Tool You Can Develop_Let Your Intuitive Instincts Guide You in Manifesting Your Dreams and Desires

"The great artists, writers, musicians and poets became great because they acquire the habit of relying upon

the still, small voice that speaks from within.

It is a fact well known; that the best ideas come through so-called hunches."


You may not be aware of it yet, but you have an extraordinary voice inside you. It's your INTUITION.

Intuition is your first and foremost skill. It's what you're born with. And you started using it long before you learned how to use your other senses.

When you activate it, it will help you:

  • Reconnect with your authentic self (a part of you that knows exactly what your life's true purpose is)

  • Make positive, better, and effortless decisions in all areas of your life (relationships, career, health and more).

  • Influence your finances - guiding you into the lap of opportunities.

  • Explode your creativity - leaving you with too many good ideas.

  • Understand your body - tapping into an immense, inner healing power.

  • Access your higher self - banishing loneliness forever and accessing deep spiritual guidance.

  • Never, ever have to worry about making the wrong decision. EVER again.

  • Get clear answers at any point in your day and live your life to its fullest potential.

  • Develop a healthy relationship with your own spiritual guidance, which will help you set and achieve goals aligned with your own personal destiny, so you can live a more directed, satisfying and fulfilling life.

That's because when you "trust instinct to the end, even though you can give no reason," as Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, something magical happens.


Like a blooming flower bud, your dream life will unfold.


In today's world, learning to trust your intuition is the key to thriving. This essentially is a shortcut to endless growth, abundance, love, money or whatever else that you want more of in your life right now. Simply by tapping into the power within you that knows what is best for you.

In fact, many of the world's most extraordinary achievers like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Elon Musk have stated they trust their intuition more than anything else; and let it guide them to the peaks of achievement.


The problem is, few of us truly know how to recognize and trust messages coming from our intuition.

Which results in a lot of feelings of confusion, disappointment, frustration, and dissatisfaction with our lives.



The TUNE IN Home Training Program is a proven step-by-step guide for developing, tapping into and trusting your intuition skill in order to create more joyful and meaningful life. It shows you how to hear your intuition in 4 simple steps. The reason TUNE IN works so well is because it helps you connect your logical brain and your creative brain to the heart — which is the source of all intuition.

TUNE IN is based on a simple step-by-step process that will allow you to listen to your intuition when and where you need it. This formula has been specially designed to first help you "unlock" your own intuitive powers that may be currently dormant.

The program is designed by the America's first intuition expert Sonia Choquette. It is based on her experiences with the tens of thousands of clients from the past 35 years that she helped to find their way out of problems, and see solutions when none existed. She's written 23 books on intuition (translated into 37 languages).

There are 4 chapters in the course. Each chapter has 3 to 4 sections, each with a video lesson that’s less than 10 minutes long. Each video contains exactly as much information as you can absorb at one time without losing it!

How Can Intuition Help You in Manifesting Your Dreams_Tune In Home Training Program by Sonia Choquette_ Tune In Review_Positive Intuition by Sonia Choquette_The Answer Is Simple by Sonia Choquette_Meditations for Intuitive Guidance by Sonia Choquette_Learn How to Trust Your Intuition and Instincts_Intuition Is the Most Important Tool You Can Develop_Let Your Intuitive Instincts Guide You in Manifesting Your Dreams and Desires

Tune In course It is a complete collection of the following chapters:


Before we embrace our intuition as the guiding force in our life, we need to let go of the tendency to seek direction, approval and even our identity mostly from the people around us. In other words, we are more often followers rather than leaders. Meanwhile, underneath we feel empty, hungry for meaning, restless, somewhat lost, and frequently ungrounded — as if we aren’t really inhabiting our own bodies. This is why we keep ourselves so busy. This is a false reality we live in and this step will help you wake up to reality — where you’re in full control of what’s happening.

This chapter consists of three sections:

  • Section 1: Checking In

  • Section 2: Keen Sense Of The Obvious

  • Section 3: What’s The Problem


The second step in following our intuition is fueled by curiosity. We usually enter this step when we’ve experienced some type of wake-up call, yet we still feel hesitant to trust our intuition. We need more evidence that we can rely on what we feel in our hearts, before we make such a big change in our lives. So this Digging Deep step will be like falling in love: it’s exciting and intoxicating. It’s as if a giant curtain has been pulled back and we’re allowed to witness the profound inner workings of our true self. As we start to dig deeper for reasons to trust our intuition, it’s almost as though the Universe starts to flirt with us, teasing us with its own subtle affirmations that we are indeed on the right track, some of which may seem quite magical.

This chapter consists of three sections:

  • Section 1: Say What You Feel

  • Section 2: Clear The Deck

  • Section 3: Peeling The Onion


This step involves moving beyond the parameters and perceived safety of your ego and relying on the mysterious, unlimited power of your inner voice for guidance. This can feel as though you’re jumping off a cliff, but you’re actually surrendering your ego over to a higher wisdom, which has a more solid foundation of truth.

This is where you’ll come to realize that what your ego knows is not all there is to know, what your ego perceives is not necessarily an accurate view of the world, and what your ego thinks is possible is not all that is truly possible. So you open to the Universe and ask it to show you another, better way to live.

This chapter consists of three sections:

  • Section 1: Get Flexible

  • Section 2: Say Yes

  • Section 3: When The Rubber Hits The Road


When you enter the flow, your ego steps aside and allows your spirit to completely take over. You receive uninterrupted guidance, direction, solutions, gifts, and even positive surprises from the Universe every day. You place complete trust in the Universe to take care of you in every circumstance and situation you encounter. You can expect assistance with every problem or challenge that arises, and you will receive it. This is the step where you’ll realize that there’s no space between you and life, so you experience full, direct control of your life and a sense of absolute, authentic freedom.

This chapter consists of four sections:

  • Section 1: What’s Your Intention

  • Section 2: Let Your Authentic Self Flow

  • Section 3: The Ebb

  • Section 4: Flowing In Grace



bonus 1: 4 TUNE IN PDF WORKBOOKS that will assist you in your practice work and serve as a reference:

  1. The Getting Started Workbook: A detailed reference for the exact steps of the Tune In journey, with great tips on getting the best out of the course.

  2. Tune In Exercises Workbook: This handy quick-reference guide contains all the exercises and rituals Sonia guided you through in the Tune In journey (and includes step-by-step instructions).

  3. Ritual Planner Workbook: Creating your own custom Tune In journey just got a lot easier. This workbook lets you plan out your daily rituals and meditations — just fill in the blanks and follow to get your intuition strengthened.

  4. Awaken Your Intuition Workbook: In the course, Sonia asks a lot of deep soul-stirring questions designed to touch and awaken your intuitive mind. This workbook lists them all together so you can use them whenever you want to stir up your intuition.


This visual journey allows you to escape the rigors of day to day life. Watch it and experience the peace and calm the journey provides you with, which then allows you to learn at the highest level.

bonus 3: THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE (12-Week Course On The Fundamental Principles of Intuition)

This course is a separate course on intuition that’s packed with tried-and-true, grounded practices to help you discover the “real” you; the best, holiest, most delightful and delighted you, free of fear and filled with light.

bonus 4: 4 MEDITATIONS FOR INTUITIVE GUIDANCE designed to reawaken the voice of your soul:

  1. Water Meditation For Nurturing Your Spirit

  2. Fire Meditation For Inspiration

  3. Earth Meditation For Getting Support From Higher Self

  4. Air Meditation For Clearing Unhelpful Thoughts


  1. Waking Up Meditation: A meditation that brings you back to what is actually going on in your life. It helps you tune in so you can heal.

  2. Digging Deep Meditation: A meditation that gives you the energy and courage to trust your intuition and get past your resistance and doubts, so you can tap into your power.

  3. Taking The Leap Meditation: A meditation that gives you the courage to stop holding back and allows you to really trust and embrace what is true to yourself on an authentic level.

  4. Entering The Flow Meditation: A meditation that allows you to free your mind from worry and overthinking and enables your most conscious self to take over and direct you, moment to moment.





These techniques have worked for many who have already enrolled in this course.

"For more than 14 years, Sonia has been a trusted advisor and tour guide of my life. Her vision gives me confidence in myself and what lies in store for me. When Sonia shares her amazing gifts with you, doors you've never seen before start to open right before your eyes."

(Emmy Award-winning writer Wendy Miller)

"Trust your vibes! Sonia’s straightforward, practical advice (backed up with solid examples of how well it works) will show you how to use your most valuable asset; your sixth sense."

"Sonia Choquette is the most authentic person in psychic phenomena I have ever encountered."

"I love Sonia Choquette. She's a beautiful, sweet soul with a divine connection. She shows you how you too can connect with your own psychic abilities. In my world, Sonia is tops!"

How Can Intuition Help You in Manifesting Your Dreams_Tune In Home Training Program by Sonia Choquette_ Tune In Review_Positive Intuition by Sonia Choquette_The Answer Is Simple by Sonia Choquette_Meditations for Intuitive Guidance by Sonia Choquette_Learn How to Trust Your Intuition and Instincts_Intuition Is the Most Important Tool You Can Develop_Let Your Intuitive Instincts Guide You in Manifesting Your Dreams and Desires
How Can Intuition Help You in Manifesting Your Dreams_Tune In Home Training Program by Sonia Choquette_ Tune In Review_Positive Intuition by Sonia Choquette_The Answer Is Simple by Sonia Choquette_Meditations for Intuitive Guidance by Sonia Choquette_Learn How to Trust Your Intuition and Instincts_Intuition Is the Most Important Tool You Can Develop_Let Your Intuitive Instincts Guide You in Manifesting Your Dreams and Desires




I wish you many blessings on your journey to activate your intuition! And I hope that these lessons encourage you to continue this relationship with your own spiritual guidance.


Keep smiling and here's wishing you have a wonderful day filled with smiles and hugs and kisses and all things nice! ♥

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